Registered Liquidators | ASIC

Liquidators registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) are required to keep their information up-to-date on ASIC's registers. The Registered Liquidator and Official Liquidator Registers are available to the public to search on the ASIC Connect website

Last update: Feb. 2, 2025

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Name Locality ID
Mableson, Timothy David Adelaide 382492
Macdonnell, Christopher John Wollstonecraft 156279
Mackinnon, Hamish Alan Hawthorn East 209829
Macneill, Andrew James Melbourne 495015
Madden, Martin Sydney 4939
Malarkey, Andrew Ashburton 347957
Malone, Peter Edward Sydney 494423
Mansfield, David Ian Parramatta 231231
Mansoor, Mohammad Mirzan Bin Sydney 541318
Markey, Nigel Robert Brisbane 212234
Marsden, Jeffrey Phillip Sydney 523481
Marsden, Sam Andrew Sydney 437274
Marshall, Wayne Mathew John Sydney 541326
Martin, Hugh Sutcliffe Adelaide 192287
Martin, Nicholas John Melbourne 217469
Matthews, Anthony Christopher Rose Park 5716
Matthews, Shaun James Melbourne 549096
Mattinson, Andrew Robert Melbourne 495488
Mccabe, Andrew John Sydney 506498
Mccallum, Stewart Alexander Melbourne 408422
Mccallum, Suelen Harris Park 478503
Mccann, Michael Gerard Brisbane 182386
Mccluskey, Peter Damien Melbourne 83357
Mcdermott, Ross John Carlton 67380
Mcevoy, Andrew James Sydney 544256
Mcgrath, David Peter Sydney 525549
Mcinerney, John Edgar The Rocks 473113
Mckenna, Henry Peter Sydney 463932
Mckinnon, Shaun Christopher Brisbane 344636
Mclean, Neil Stewart Melbourne 494030
Mcleod, Jonathan Paul Brisbane City 185187
Mcmillen, Trent Aaron Parramatta 484449
Mcpherson, James Stuart Adelaide 471757
Mcveigh, Dermott Joseph West Perth 342611
Meagher, Anne Brisbane 383871
Melluish, John Sydney 515161
Mentha, Mark Francis Melbourne 8926
Meyn, Kelly Dale West Perth 531165
Micheletto, Fabian Kane Melbourne 456597
Michell, Stephen John Melbourne 280098
Miller, Simon Richard Adelaide 450442
Mishra, Gaurav Fraser Rise 490059
Miskiewicz, Anthony Jay Edward Townsville 286982
Mohen, Jerome Hall Perth 514551
Moore, Daniel Peter Brisbane 384586
Moore, Peter John Sydney 491882
Morelli, Bradd William Newcastle 306390
Morgan, Brent Leigh Melbourne 281857
Morgan, John Maxwell Sydney 16110
Morgan, Russell Harry Perth 14186
Morrow, John Richard Glen Waverley 8681
Morton, Gavin Charles Brisbane 297335
Mos, Emma Marie Newcastle 511197
Moss, Gavin Sydney 296668
Mouawad, John Sydney 526812
Muldoon, Mathew Campbell Ballan 220956
Mullen, Matthew Jarvis Cairns 557764
Mulvaney, Bruce Neil Surrey Hills 5718
Muscat, Edward John Bundoora 398257
Mutton, David Mark Melbourne 475226