Registered Liquidators | ASIC

Liquidators registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) are required to keep their information up-to-date on ASIC's registers. The Registered Liquidator and Official Liquidator Registers are available to the public to search on the ASIC Connect website

Last update: July 21, 2024

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Name Locality ID
Agostino, Anna Adelaide 548548
Basedow, Michael Oscar Adelaide 212231
Burford, Ian Wayne Adelaide 194181
Cantone, Dominic Adelaide 495046
Cooper, Nicholas David Adelaide 218261
Divitkos, George Adelaide 16321
Duncan, Stephen James Adelaide 15047
Eszenyi, Theodora Alice Adelaide 286542
Ferguson, Robert Anthony Adelaide 5692
Fryer, Nicholas Lewis Adelaide 325634
Gyss, Nicholas David Adelaide 56185
Hannam, Craig William Adelaide 341349
Heard, Andrew James Adelaide 192640
Johnson, Gregg Robertson Adelaide 467595
Kidman, David William Adelaide 284454
Langshaw, Andrew George Ashbrook Adelaide 494735
Lanthois, Peter James Adelaide 163463
Lieberenz, Mark Rudolph Adelaide 441137
Lopresti, Daniel Adelaide 450441
Mableson, Timothy David Adelaide 382492
Martin, Hugh Sutcliffe Adelaide 192287
Mcpharlin, Hugh Lachlan Adelaide 154263
Mcpherson, James Stuart Adelaide 471757
Miller, Simon Richard Adelaide 450442
Naudi, Robert William Adelaide 415146
Olsen, Travis Graham William Adelaide 523807
Ormsby, Matthew Adelaide 523091
Otway, Thomas Stuart Adelaide 448746
Petrenko, Yulia Adelaide 541603
Phillips, Anthony John Arthur Adelaide 315416
Powell, Christopher Robert Adelaide 165181
Prior, Leigh Deveron Adelaide 423915
Rudaks, Maris Andris Adelaide 56883
Schwarz, Nathan Karl Adelaide 514218
Scott, Alan Geoffrey Adelaide 15856
Sheahan, John Adelaide 5735
Sheahan, Oliver John Donaldson Adelaide 531025
Smith, Anthony Stevens Adelaide 16372
Strazdins, Andrejs Janis Adelaide 199876
Taylor, Austin R.m. Adelaide 5742
Trim, David Mason Adelaide 541551
Van Dissel, Michael Dirk Hawker Adelaide 454592
Young, Victoria May Adelaide 548654