Registered Liquidators | ASIC

Liquidators registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) are required to keep their information up-to-date on ASIC's registers. The Registered Liquidator and Official Liquidator Registers are available to the public to search on the ASIC Connect website

Last update: Feb. 16, 2025

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Name Locality ID
Gammel, Todd Andrew Sydney 415679
Georges, George Melbourne 194125
Ghedia, Rajiv Sydney 527073
Giasoumi, Nicholas Hawthorn East 187522
Gibb, Lisa Marie The Rocks 559206
Gibbons, John Raymond Sydney 4917
Gibson, Mark Andrew Perth 417233
Gidley, Paul William Charlestown 172870
Gill, Rebecca Louise Southbank 541691
Gladman, Steven Arthur Sydney 328487
Glavas, Ivan Melbourne 418679
Gleeson, Bruce Sydney 223358
Goggin, John Joseph Cairns 441142
Gollant, Mathew Terence Melbourne 339259
Goodin, Peter Andrew Nunawading 54206
Gordon, Angus Carnegie Sydney 299947
Gothard, Peter James Sydney 324021
Gountzos, Peter Melbourne 284377
Goyal, Rahul Sydney 323696
Goyal, Rajiv Sydney 526231
Granger, Geoffrey Peter Sydney 398478
Grant, Ian Graham Dandenong South 520219
Grant, Roger Darren Glen Waverley 274981
Gray, Cameron Hamish Sydney 486228
Greig, John Lethbridge Brisbane City 55418
Griffin, Michael John Brisbane 176823
Griffiths, Mitchell Richmond Newcastle 414171
Grohovaz, Melanie Samantha Mount Claremont 413779
Gumbleton, Timothy Robert Wagga Wagga 313688
Gyss, Nicholas David Adelaide 56185