Registered Liquidators | ASIC

Liquidators registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) are required to keep their information up-to-date on ASIC's registers. The Registered Liquidator and Official Liquidator Registers are available to the public to search on the ASIC Connect website

Last update: Feb. 2, 2025

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Name Locality ID
Hambleton, David James Brisbane 289882
Hamilton, Barry Kenneth Battery Point 166358
Hammond, Dane Arthur Maroochydore 495042
Hams, Sebastian David Melbourne 438334
Hancock, Geoffrey Trent Sydney 65306
Hanna, Manuel Melbourne 531171
Hannam, Craig William Adelaide 341349
Hansell, Joseph Ronald Sydney 479192
Hanson, Andrew Gerard Brisbane 524586
Hardy, David Alexander Docklands 539554
Harlond, Paul Stuart Melbourne 522232
Harris, William James Brisbane City 276402
Hathway, Stephen Wesley Sydney 312168
Hayes, Alan John Sydney 284145
Hayes, Joseph David Sydney 219954
Hazell, Mahala Rachel Brisbane 542000
Healey, Liam John Sydney 503546
Heard, Andrew James Adelaide 192640
Heenan, Timothy Joseph Brisbane City 478622
Heesh, Timothy Paul ST Leonards 309873
Hellen, Bradley Vincent Brisbane 72493
Henry, Jonathan Philip Sydney 515968
Herrett, Mitchell Mackenzie Brisbane City 384744
Hewitt, Andrew Docklands 218030
Hilet, Brodie Luke Melbourne 549616
Hill, Christopher Clarke Sydney 297834
Hill, Michael John Brisbane City 206836
Hillig, Peter Parramatta 172662
Hird, Michael Charles Sydney 296214
Ho, Benjamin Sydney 557946
Hodgkinson, Damien Mark Sydney 282581
Hodgson, David Mark Perth 454751
Hogan, Michael Andrew Sydney 473873
Holden, Timothy Mark Shuttleworth Sydney 284673
Holland, Mark Alfred Brisbane City 530738
Holmes, Sean Perth 522936
Holzman, Justin Sydney 407103
Honner, William Anthony Barangaroo 442229
Hosking, Philip Raymond Sydney 363165
Howarth, Jon Brennan Melbourne 384163
Howell, Malcolm Kimbal Melbourne 335273
Howlett, Justin Melbourne 383475
Huang, Nelson Sydney 554287
Hudson, Matthew Charles Brisbane City 558202
Hughes, Bryan Kevin Perth 181417
Hughes, Richard John Brisbane City 326810
Humann, Melissa Janet Mary Barangaroo 441132
Hundy, Stephen John Canberra 296240
Hunter, Adrian Robert Camberwell 438015
Hurst, David Anthony Sydney 172863
Hurt, David Ashley Norman Perth 14831
Hussain, Mohammed Shahin Brisbane 443814
Hutson, Robert William Brisbane 208511
Hutton, Matthew Russell Melbourne 527022
Huynh, Bruce Sam Sydney 559213