Registered Liquidators | ASIC

Liquidators registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) are required to keep their information up-to-date on ASIC's registers. The Registered Liquidator and Official Liquidator Registers are available to the public to search on the ASIC Connect website

Last update: Feb. 16, 2025

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Name Locality ID
Sallway, Andrew Thomas Sydney 391968
Sampson, David Henry Sydney 449482
Sanderson, Clifford John Sydney 155400
Schierhuber, Benjamin Cairns 543045
Schwarz, Andrew Peter Melbourne 364901
Schwarz, Nathan Karl Adelaide 514218
Scott, Alan Geoffrey Adelaide 15856
Scott, Andrew John Barangaroo 450451
Secatore, Bruno Anthony Robert Melbourne 8855
Seeckts, Sarah Emily Docklands 536224
Sellahewa, Samantha Rangika Woolner 530041
Senatore, Ezio Marco Griffith 15904
Sewell, Benjamin Noel Sydney 533861
Shanahan, John Gervase Brisbane 309872
Shannon, Glenn Michael Brisbane 285941
Shaw, Cameron Hugh Perth 430749
Shaw, James Alexander Charlestown 172869
Sheahan, John Adelaide 5735
Sheahan, Oliver John Donaldson Adelaide 531025
Shepard, Adam Sydney 212426
Shepard, Craig Peter Melbourne 222320
Shute, Jeffrey Allan Charlestown 434639
Sijabat, Louisa Meng LI Sydney 479547
Silvia, Brian Raymond Sydney 4614
Siu, Alexander Man Chun Sydney 552084
Skinner, Dane Sydney 521204
Slaven, Michael Edward Dickson 165873
Sleiman, Joseph Killara 461377
Smith, Andrew Leslie Copacabana 212710
Smith, Andrew Michael West Perth 482014
Smith, Anthony Stevens Adelaide 16372
Smith, Linda Methven Perth 544255
Smith, Lorraine Deborah Brisbane City 212105
Smith, Michael John Morris Parramatta 4934
Smith, Paula Lauren Perth 495363
Smith, Robert Bruce Melbourne 494614
Smith, Vincent Anthony Perth 183154
Soire, Daniel Robert Sydney 413531
Sowaid, Ahmed Sydney 441143
Sozou, Katherine Sydney 502559
Sparks, Grant Dene Brisbane City 166884
Spencer, David Raymond Fremantle 172969
Spooner, Glenn John Melbourne 394122
Spring, Andrew John Sydney 401168
Sprowles, Christian Sydney 440736
Staatz, Steven Neville Brisbane 442228
Steedman, Tristana Jane Melbourne 289632
Stewart, James Henry Docklands 69930
Stimpson, David Michael Brisbane 236579
Stojic, Aleksandar Brisbane City 541553
Stone, Jason Glenn Melbourne 415666
Stone, Richard Sydney 326052
Strawbridge, Vaughan Neil Sydney 322301
Strazdins, Andrejs Janis Adelaide 199876
Stubing, Nathan Thomas Kirkham Perth 519037
Sweeny, Matthew Brian Cheltenham 494427