Registered Liquidators | ASIC

Liquidators registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) are required to keep their information up-to-date on ASIC's registers. The Registered Liquidator and Official Liquidator Registers are available to the public to search on the ASIC Connect website

Last update: July 21, 2024

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Name Locality ID
Paine, Darrin Edward Bella Vista 437354
Palaghia, Lucica Melbourne 480583
Palmer, Christopher John Sydney 4757
Parbery, Stephen James Sydney 4660
Park, John Richard Brisbane 196558
Parker, Gregory Jay Sydney 172866
Pascoe, Scott Darren Sydney 166870
Pasfield, Damien Mark Sydney 551510
Pattinson, Christopher James Perth 544126
Pearce, Mark William Brisbane 194346
Peile, Robert Kenneth Cronulla 4913
Petrenko, Yulia Adelaide 541603
Phillips, Anthony John Arthur Adelaide 315416
Pirina, Vincent Joseph Sydney 495364
Pleash, Blair Alexander Sydney 286087
Pogroske, Trevor Mark Sydney 255777
Porter, Jason Lloyd Sydney 411715
Poulter, Andrew William Melbourne 319005
Powell, Christopher Robert Adelaide 165181
Prasad, Rashnyl Ravinit Parramatta 555521
Preiner, Adam Bernard Sydney 484323
Prentice, Maxwell William Sydney 4619
Preston, Jason Sydney 338011
Priest, Steven John Wagga Wagga 328662
Prior, Leigh Deveron Adelaide 423915
Prout, Gregory Mathew Perth 504278
Pullen, Travis Jay Brisbane 433641
Purchas, Ian James Sydney 210943