Registered Liquidators | ASIC

Liquidators registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) are required to keep their information up-to-date on ASIC's registers. The Registered Liquidator and Official Liquidator Registers are available to the public to search on the ASIC Connect website

Last update: July 21, 2024

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Name Locality ID
Rambaldi, Gess Michael Docklands 56750
Rapsey, Chad Robert Newcastle 404406
Rathner, Gideon Isaac Melbourne 8873
Refalo, John Sydney 532737
Reid, Stuart George Woolner 338595
Reidy, Geoffrey Philip Sydney 193405
Resnick, Antony Harris Park 432261
Richards, Brendan John Docklands 339581
Robb, Joshua-lee Newcastle 494575
Robba, James Andrew Robina 523580
Robinson, Mark Julian Sydney 212300
Robson, William Roland Woolloongabba 351222
Rocke, Clifford Stuart Perth 157073
Rohrt, Richard Trygve Melbourne 322875
Rose, Terrence John Brisbane 316087
Ross, David Anthony Ascot Vale 333691
Roufeil, Mark Damian Charles Sydney 71359
Rowley, Richard James Clovelly 453850
Rudaks, Maris Andris Adelaide 56883
Ruhe, Alice Fay Brisbane 439994
Ryan, Michael Joseph Perth 56688