Registered Auditors Australia | ASIC

This register is a database of individuals or firms who have been certified as registered auditors in Australia. A registered auditor is a professional who has been certified by the relevant authority to conduct independent audits of financial statements and other financial information. These audits provide assurance to shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders that the financial information is accurate and reliable. The register may include information such as the name, contact information, and qualifications of the registered auditors. It may also include information about the auditor's specialization and areas of expertise.

Last update: Feb. 16, 2025

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Name Locality ID
PA Audit Pty Ltd West Perth 440165
Pace, Daniel Brian Randwick 3812
Pace, Neil Fenton Perth 182668
Padarath, Rajnish Ormeau Hills 304951
Page, Stephen Sydney 3813
Painter, Stuart John Melbourne 194124
Pallisco, Maree Melbourne 449716
Palmer, David Hobart 440615
Palmer, James Richard Chapman 476367
Palmer, Michael Ronald Gympie 3437
Palmer, Ronald George Dee Why 3917
Paluch, Abraham Isaac Caulfield North 9593
Pampacos, George Michael Perth 308520
Pampel, Scott Maxwell Bundall 510091
Pandeli, Anthony Balwyn North 10653
Panebianco, Ross Griffith 56396
Pang, Ding Sydney 556384
Papa, David Vincent Adelaide 405791
Papadopoulos, Nikolaos Sydney 154500
Papageorgiou, Voula Barangaroo 305123
Papaphotis, Daniel Paul Fremantle 410503
Papathomas, Augustinos South Yarra 15001
Pape, Andrew John Carindale 417649
Parameswaran, Mathavan Melbourne 512778
Parker, Alison Claire Melbourne 480008
Parker, Anthony Joseph Yass 3573
Parker, Geoffrey Stephen Glen Waverley 7623
Parsons, Robert David Yanco 2748
Partridge, Lucy Newtown 555786
Partridge, Timothy James Bunbury 225698
Pascoe & CO Pty Limited Sydney 534249
Pascoe, John Durham Nedlands 13479
Pascoe, John Scott Sydney 75605
Pasqualini, Carlo Andrea Sydney 291040
Passaris, Eric William Docklands 181261
Patel, Atulkumar Jagdishchandra Warrawee 392752
Patel, Pooja Sydney 507975
Patel, Viral Kiritbhai Darch 333615
Patell, Cyrus Perth 309838
Pather, Ash Asokan Norwest 326275
Paton, Hugh Douglas Toorak 7659
Patone, Christian Dennis Docklands 544739
Patricio, Vanessa Ann Sydney 333315
Patterson, David Robert Mark Southbank 527568
Patterson, Leon Harley Kiama 513964
Pauling, Michael John Sydney 4535
Paull, Michelle Ann Armidale 164853
Payne, Michael Cameron Wahroonga 331538
Peake, Bradley Robert Southbank 511982
Pearce, James Douglas Orange 222332
Pearman, Paul David Sydney 432230
Pearse, Joshua Adam Docklands 490459
Peatey, Mark Richard North Sydney 193711
Peile, Robert Kenneth Cronulla 2347
Pelquest-hunt, Howard Leslie Chatswood 4175
Pelusi, Sneza Melbourne 214522
Penman, David Melbourne 15485
Penn, Stephen James Mount Waverley 360499
Penny, Eliza Mary Barangaroo 328210
Peper, Mark Bernhard Dungog 291557
Pepper, Mason Thomas Melbourne 560549
Pepperell, Ben Adam Brisbane 560166
Perera, Madhavi Aparna Adelaide 546426
Perez, Myriam Elizabeth Long Point 477886
Perlen, Henry Victor Carlton 10406
Perren, Christine Debra Nambour 515920
Perrett, Donald James Leongatha 9371
Perry, Ian Hamilton Toronto 2943
Perry, Jane Victoria North Parramatta 165760
Perry, Jason Michael Southbank 313494
Perry, Robert Charles Melbourne 277979
Perumal, Dane Alexander Sydney 559439
Peters, Benjamin Alfred Sydney 407874
Peters, Mark Alan Melbourne 208089
Petersen, David John Melbourne 230674
Peterson, Kristen Eve Sydney 480653
Petratos, Nikolaos Narrabeen 416951
Petridis, John Balwyn 305535
Pettit, Benedict Michael Manly 166880
Phelps, Mark Francis Adelaide 213979
Phillips, John Allan Southbank 10127
Phillips, Scott William Melbourne 198682
Philp, Craig Brisbane 542606
Phipps-ellis, Ronald John Sydney 177557
Phong, Tutu Perth 322652
Phu, James Sydney 539035
Pickup, Brian John Sydney 4110
Pien, Joseph Lee Sydney 4350
Pienaar, Chanelle North Lakes 509119
Piepers, Willy Jacob Penrith 2989
Pierluigi, Giuseppe Paolo West Perth 14004
Piggott, Rodney John Tea Gardens 1353
Piltz, Rodney Charles Melbourne 220374
Pines, Leslie Cremorne 756
Pink, Penelope Sarah Carwardine Perth 516639
Pinn Deavin Audit & Assurance Pty Limited Taren Point 343903
Pinn, Michael Lawrence Taren Point 4405
Pitcher Partners Ba&a Pty Ltd Perth 467435
Pitcher Partners Nsw Audit Pty Ltd Sydney 485265
Pititto, Anthony John Docklands 169246
Pitsikas, Nicholas Theo Rosebery 3140
Pitt, Charles Matcham Strathfield 2944
Pitts, Adam Clark Docklands 418109
Pkf Audit (wa) Pty Ltd Perth 473492
Pkf Melbourne Audit & Assurance Pty Ltd Melbourne 463734
Pkf Nenw Audit & Assurance Pty Limited Tamworth 306435
Plaistowe, Hugh Martin Edward Perth 13533
Plummer, Angus Grant West Perth 13397
Pobje, Wayne David Baulkham Hills 319517
Pointon, David Garth Gawler 5497
Pollett, Ryan Jamie Sydney 487135
Pollock, Bradley Joel Melbourne 281145
Pollock, Warren Geoffrey Torquay 224497
Pomfret, Jay-lee Rockhampton 515797
Poole, Donald Glenn Birtinya 5951
Poon, Wang Sing Vincent Sydney 505381
Pope, Matthew Benjamin Sydney 559074
Popp, Sunita Perth 333650
Porker, Joshua John Bendigo 441379
Port, Michael Leonard Melbourne 233670
Porteous, Kirsty Newcastle West 276970
Postan Miller And Associates Pty Ltd South Yarra 313836
Postan, Nicole Leigh South Yarra 321102
Potts, Brian Harry Port Macquarie 729
Poulos, Keiron Barangaroo 279243
Powell, Blair Andrew Boolaroo 325660
Powell, Geoffrey Vernon Launceston 82
Powell, Jason Robert Maroochydore 564842
Powell, Trevor Maxwell Windsor 7400
Power, Peter Michael Mona Vale 730
Powers, Benjamin Docklands 477844
Pozza, Damien Gregory Adelaide 438883
Prabhu, Raju Darra 297379
Prabhu, Runal Raju Darra 563412
Prag, Mark Ivan Sydney 4515
Prakash, Sumanth Barangaroo 224164
Prasad, Malvin Mitesh Darwin 532065
Prasad, Navin Pramit Brendale 564664
Prassinos, Nicolas Anthony Fitzroy 8753
Pratama, Aulia Melbourne 541688
Pratt, Leslie Ernest Upper Mount Gravatt 6558
Preece, Craig John Launceston 271
Presland, Nicholas Philip Docklands 529332
Preston, Bruce Peter Melbourne 525070
Price, Andrew Jason Sydney 185887
Price, Graeme Desmond Canterbury 10498
Price, Peter Imrie Mount Ommaney 6405
Price, Wayne Harry Epping 4319
Prichard, Susan Jane Sydney 472313
Priest, Roy Edward Pialligo 2708
Probert, Matthew David Southbank 511260
Prosperity Advisers Audit Services Pty Ltd Newcastle 485794
Proud, Leslie William Urraween 437188
Prowse, Stephen John Wagga Wagga 520698
Proyou Audit Pty Ltd Parramatta 547741
Prue, Jarrad James Subiaco 344196
Prunty, Daniel James Southport 510611
Psaltis, Edward Mcdonald Kingston 156240
Purtill, Adam Norman Finley 419507
Purtill, Mark Patrick Chatswood 227271
Pye, Jonathan Sydney 196188
Pyeun, Kevin Parramatta 538348
Pyke, Stephen Goodman Raworth 2709