Australian Banks Swift Codes

SWIFT codes are standardized codes that are used to identify banks and financial institutions globally. In Australia, SWIFT codes are used by banks and other financial institutions to send and receive international money transfers. Each bank has its own unique SWIFT code, which is typically made up of 8 or 11 characters. The first 4 characters identify the bank, the next 2 characters identify the country, and the last 2 or 3 characters identify the specific branch of the bank. For example, the SWIFT code for the National Australia Bank in Sydney is NATAAU3302Z. This code can be used to send or receive money transfers to or from this bank.

Last update: Feb. 2, 2025

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SWIFT Bank City Branch
TYINAU21 Nikko AM Limited Sydney
TRGPAU21 Pacific Current Group Limited Sydney
TGHYAU3M Pexa Group Limited Melbourne
TREQAU21 Sb2 Securities Pty Ltd Sydney
TSIBAU44 Taishin International Bank Co., Ltd Brisbane
TACBAU2S996 Taiwan Cooperative Bank, Ltd. Sydney Branch Melbourne Melbourne Branch
TACBAU2S Taiwan Cooperative Bank, Ltd. Sydney Branch Sydney
TOAUAU21 Tal Life Limited Sydney
TAEMAU32 Talaria Asset Management Pty Ltd Melbourne
TACYAU22 Tanarra Capital Australia Pty Ltd Sydney
TFEPAUS1 Tasman Foreign Exchange Pty Ltd Sydney
TAPYAU22 Tat FX Pty Ltd Sydney
TAFGAU21 Taurus Funds Management Pty Limited Sydney
TAYLAU51 Taylor Collison Limited Adelaide
TMUTAU21 Teachers Mutual Bank Limited Sydney
TLSCAU33 Telstra Corporation Limited Melbourne
TSUPAU3B Telstra Super Pty Ltd Melbourne
TRCUAU21 The Trust Company Limited Sydney
TLFRAU32 The Trustee For Lamminaa Founders Trust Melbourne
TLIMAU22 Third Link Investment Managers Pty Limited Sydney
TPPPAUS1 Third Party Platform Pty Ltd Sydney
THONAU31 Thonemann Robertson Thompson Pty Ltd. Melbourne
TOPTAU42 Tor FX Pty Limited Gold Coast
TAMTAU21 Totus Alpha Management Pty Ltd Sydney
TCPTAU21 Totus Capital Pty Ltd Atf The Totus Alpha Fund Sydney
TARUAU81 Traditional Credit Union Limited Darwin
TRTYAUS1 Transfermate Pty Limited Sydney
TRWIAUS1 Transferwise Ltd Sydney
TRNBAU33 Transurban Limited Melbourne
TRAVAU21 Travelex Ltd Sydney
TGHPAU66 Tronox Global Holdings Pty Limited Kwinana
TTMPAU61 Ttt Moneycorp Pty Ltd Perth
TTIAAU21 Two Trees Investment Management Pty Limited Sydney