Australian Banks Swift Codes

SWIFT codes are standardized codes that are used to identify banks and financial institutions globally. In Australia, SWIFT codes are used by banks and other financial institutions to send and receive international money transfers. Each bank has its own unique SWIFT code, which is typically made up of 8 or 11 characters. The first 4 characters identify the bank, the next 2 characters identify the country, and the last 2 or 3 characters identify the specific branch of the bank. For example, the SWIFT code for the National Australia Bank in Sydney is NATAAU3302Z. This code can be used to send or receive money transfers to or from this bank.

Last update: Feb. 2, 2025

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SWIFT Bank City Branch
NDUEAU44 Indue Ltd Brisbane
NAFHAU51 Nader Fawzi Ghandour Adelaide
NANUAU22 Nanuk Asset Management Pty Ltd Sydney
NAOSAU21 Naos Asset Management Limited Sydney
NATAAU3305A National Australia Bank Limited Adelaide Trade And International Payments
NATAAU3308D National Australia Bank Limited Darwin
NATAAU34 National Australia Bank Limited Melbourne
NATAAU3306P National Australia Bank Limited Perth Trade And International Payments
NATAAU3302Z National Australia Bank Limited Sydney Sydney, Bnza Division
NSWTAU21 New South Wales Treasury Corporation Sydney
NPBOAU21 Newcastle Permanent Building Society Limited Newcastle
NEXPAU32 Next Payments Pty Ltd Melbourne
NIKEAU31 Nike Australia Pty. Ltd. Melbourne
NOAUAU2S Nomura Australia Limited Sydney
NACFAU2S Nonghyup Bank Sydney Branch Sydney
NICUAU21 Northern Inland Credit Union Limited Tamworth
NOMTAU21 Nova Mutual Limited Newcastle
NPPAAU2S Npp Australia Limited Sydney
NEWGAU2S Societe Generale Securities Australia Pty Ltd Sydney
NOSCAU2S The Bank OF Nova Scotia Sydney
NAOTAU61 Wealthhub Securities Limited Perth