Australian Banks Swift Codes

SWIFT codes are standardized codes that are used to identify banks and financial institutions globally. In Australia, SWIFT codes are used by banks and other financial institutions to send and receive international money transfers. Each bank has its own unique SWIFT code, which is typically made up of 8 or 11 characters. The first 4 characters identify the bank, the next 2 characters identify the country, and the last 2 or 3 characters identify the specific branch of the bank. For example, the SWIFT code for the National Australia Bank in Sydney is NATAAU3302Z. This code can be used to send or receive money transfers to or from this bank.

Last update: Jan. 19, 2025

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SWIFT Bank City Branch
RABOAUSS Rabobank Australia Branch Sydney
RABOAU2B Rabobank Australia Limited (formerly Piba) Sydney
RARUAU41 Railways Credit Union Limited Brisbane
RAIRAU21 Rare Infrastructure Limited Sydney
RBCMAU21 Rbc Capital Markets Sydney
RCTPAU21 Rcm Trading Pty Ltd Sydney
REDTAU21 Redpoint Investment Management Pty Ltd Sydney
REIYAU42 Reminiscent Capital Pty Limited Brisbane
RSBKAUYZ Reserve Bank OF Australia Sydney
RECPAU21 Resolution Capital Limited Sydney
REVOAU32 Revolut Payments Australia Pty Ltd Docklands
RFSUAU22 Ria Financial Services Australia Pty. Ltd. Sydney
ROCYAU22 Rochford Capital Pty Sydney
ROYCAU2S Royal Bank OF Canada Sydney
RUPYAUS2 Ruizean Pty Ltd Sydney
RUIGAU21 Russell Investment Group Pty Ltd Sydney
RAMMAU31 Spring Street Asset Management Ltd Melbourne