Australian Banks Swift Codes

SWIFT codes are standardized codes that are used to identify banks and financial institutions globally. In Australia, SWIFT codes are used by banks and other financial institutions to send and receive international money transfers. Each bank has its own unique SWIFT code, which is typically made up of 8 or 11 characters. The first 4 characters identify the bank, the next 2 characters identify the country, and the last 2 or 3 characters identify the specific branch of the bank. For example, the SWIFT code for the National Australia Bank in Sydney is NATAAU3302Z. This code can be used to send or receive money transfers to or from this bank.

Last update: Feb. 2, 2025

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SWIFT Bank City Branch
FCSPAU21 Abn Amro Clearing Sydney Pty Ltd. (formely Known AS Fortis Clearing Sydney Pty Ltd) Sydney
FUNPAU2S Apex Fund Services Pty Ltd Sydney
FSSTAU2S Aware Super Pty Ltd Sydney
FUMAAU21 BT Funds Management Limited Sydney
FASTAU31 Bungeeltap Investments Pty Ltd Melbourne
FSEMAU21 Cbg Asset Management Ltd Sydney
FPSLAU3MVIS Credit Suisse Equities (australia) Limited Melbourne
FPSLAU3M Credit Suisse Equities (australia) Limited Sydney
FEPTAU31 Fairview Equity Partners Pty Ltd Melbourne
FFCUAU21 Family First Credit Union Limited Lithgow
FPOSAU21 Fiducian Portfolio Services Ltd Sydney
FEATAUS2 Fifth Estate Asset Management Pty Ltd Sydney
FIAYAU61 Fiftyone Capital Pty Ltd Perth
FIURAU41 Fiig Securities Limited Brisbane
FIILAU21 Fil Investment Management (australia) Limited Sydney
FIYTAU21 Finclear Pty Ltd Sydney
FINYAU42 Firetrail Investments Pty Ltd Brisbane
FFFXAU21 Firma Foreign Exchange Corporation Sydney
FCCNAU31 First Choice Credit Union Limited Melbourne
FCBKAU4B First Commercial Bank Brisbane
FOEUAU31 First Option Bank Ltd Melbourne
FRIPAUS1 Fitch Australia Pty Ltd. Sydney
FAATAUS2 Flag Asset Management Pty Ltd Sydney
FLPPAU22 Flash Partners Pty Ltd Sydney
FLPTAU32 Flexewallet Pty Ltd Melbourne
FNZUAU22 Fnz Custodians (australia) Pty Ltd Sydney
FAMYAU21 Focus Asset Management Pty Ltd Sydney
FMGLAU6P Fortescue Metals Group Ltd Perth
FOCPAU21 Fortitude Capital Pty Limited Sydney
FSTPAU21 Foster Stockbroking Pty Limited Sydney
FTIAAU31 Franklin Templeton Investments Australia Limited Sydney
FBPOAU21 Fundbpo Sydney
FSIEAU22 Future Super Investment Services Pty Ltd Sydney
FCRSAU31 Geelong Bank Geelong
FUNPAUS2 Mainstream Fund Services Pty Ltd Sydney