Australian Banks Swift Codes

SWIFT codes are standardized codes that are used to identify banks and financial institutions globally. In Australia, SWIFT codes are used by banks and other financial institutions to send and receive international money transfers. Each bank has its own unique SWIFT code, which is typically made up of 8 or 11 characters. The first 4 characters identify the bank, the next 2 characters identify the country, and the last 2 or 3 characters identify the specific branch of the bank. For example, the SWIFT code for the National Australia Bank in Sydney is NATAAU3302Z. This code can be used to send or receive money transfers to or from this bank.

Last update: March 23, 2025

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SWIFT Bank City Branch
PORPAU31 Antares Capital Partners Ltd Melbourne
PIIEAU41 Antipodes Partners Limited Brisbane
PEGAAU31 Avestra Asset Management Limited Melbourne
PARBAUS1 Bnp Paribas Securities Services, Australia Sydney
PSECAU61 Canaccord Genuity Patersons Limited Perth
PCBCAU2S China Construction Bank Corporation Sydney Branch Sydney
POHLAU41 EC Pohl And CO Gold Coast
PTYPAUS1 FX Corp Pty Ltd Sydney
PIMTAU21 Paradice Investment Management Pty Ltd Sydney
PAEMAU61 Patersons Asset Management Perth
PATHAU22 Paynow Technology Pty Ltd Sydney
PYYOAU22 Paytron Sydney
PCSPAU61 Pcf Securities Pty Ltd Perth
PFPTAU22 Pella Funds Pty Limited Sydney
PENCAU21 Pengana Capital Limited Sydney
PEGPAU2S Pepper Money Limited Sydney
PEGRAU41 Peregrine Capital Australia Pty Limited Brisbane
PEIPAU31 Perennial Investment Partners Melbourne
PEIAAU31 Perennial Investment Partners Limited Melbourne
PEVMAU2B Perennial Value Management Limited Sydney
PERNAU21 Perpetual Investments Sydney
PSALAU21 Pershing Securities Australia Pty Ltd Sydney
PEAPAU21 Petra Capital Pty Ltd Sydney
PFFPAU32 Pfg Forex Pty Ltd Melbourne
PSCLAU21 Phoenix Soft Corp Ltd Sydney
PIMAAU21 Pimco Australia Pty Limited Sydney
PPISAU31 Pitcher Partners Investment Services Pty Tld Docklands
PLANAU61 Plan B Trustees Limited Perth
PLIAAU2S Platinum Asset Management Sydney
PLAGAU21 Platinum Investment Management Limited Sydney
PLIMAU21 Plato Investment Management Limited Sydney
PLSMAU21 Platypus Asset Management Pty Ltd Sydney
PPAPAU32 Poli Payments Pty Ltd Melbourne
PLNSAU61 Police And Nurses Limited Perth
POIEAU21 Police Bank Ltd Sydney
PCRNAU51 Police Credit Union Limited Adelaide
POFVAU31 Police Financial Services Limited Melbourne
PVAAAU31 Prime Value Asset Management Limited Melbourne
PPTYAU21 Prodigal Pty Ltd Sydney
PHGYAU31 The Portland House Group Pty. Limited Melbourne
PRTYAU31 Zai Australia Pty Ltd Melbourne