Registered Liquidators | ASIC

Liquidators registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) are required to keep their information up-to-date on ASIC's registers. The Registered Liquidator and Official Liquidator Registers are available to the public to search on the ASIC Connect website

Last update: Dec. 22, 2024

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Name Locality ID
Boyle, Shaun William West Perth 487101
Carrello, Giovanni Maurizio West Perth 82334
Jacobs, Robert Allan West Perth 172661
Mcveigh, Dermott Joseph West Perth 342611
Meyn, Kelly Dale West Perth 531165
Quin, Gregory Paul West Perth 526195
Smith, Andrew Michael West Perth 482014
Travaglini, Dino West Perth 14182
Wallman, Kimberley Stuart West Perth 14183