Parasol Advisory Pty Limited

AFS License Number
Parasol Advisory Pty Limited
Licensee issued
Sept. 9, 2024
Sydney, 2000, NSW

Licence conditions

This licence authorises the licensee to carry on a financial services business to:
provide financial product advice to retail and wholesale clients for the following classes of financial products:
deposit and payment products limited to:
basic deposit products;
deposit products other than basic deposit products;
debentures, stocks or bonds issued or proposed to be issued by a government;
interests in managed investment schemes including:
investor directed portfolio services;
interests in managed investment schemes limited to:
MDA services;
securities; and
standard margin lending facility; and
deal in a financial product by:
issuing, applying for, acquiring, varying or disposing of a financial product to wholesale clients only in respect of the following classes of financial products:
interests in managed investment schemes limited to:
MDA services; and
applying for, acquiring, varying or disposing of a financial product on behalf of another person to retail and wholesale clients in respect of the following classes of products:
deposit and payment products limited to:
basic deposit products;
deposit products other than basic deposit products;
debentures, stocks or bonds issued or proposed to be issued by a government;
interests in managed investment schemes including:
investor directed portfolio services;
interests in managed investment schemes limited to:
MDA services;
securities; and
standard margin lending facility;



Name First provided advice Qualification and trainings
 Cameron (james) Crawford 2018 2015 - Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing) - Bachelor Degree (AQF 7) - The University of Sydney ~ 2017 - Tier One - Securities and Managed Investments - General Advice - Other - Kaplan Professional ~ 2018 - Margin Lending Accreditation - Other - Stockbrokers and Financial Advisers Association ~ 2019 - MASTER OF APPLIED FINANCE - Masters Degree (AQF 9) - KAPLAN HIGHER EDUCATION PTY LTD ~ 2020 - Ethics for Professional Advisers bridging unit - Bridging Course - Ethics - KAPLAN HIGHER EDUCATION ~ 2020 - Financial Advice Regulatory & Legal Obligations bridging unit - Bridging Course - Regulation & Legal Obligations - KAPLAN HIGHER EDUCATION ~ 2021 - Behavioural Finance: Client and Consumer Behaviour, Engagement and Decision-Making bridging unit - Bridging Course - Behavioural Finance - KAPLAN HIGHER EDUCATION ~ 2021 - Superannuation and Retirement Advice - Other - KAPLAN HIGHER EDUCATION PTY LTD
 Claire Dickinson 1994 1999 - General Securities Representative (Series 7) Examination - Other - National Association of Securities Dealers ~ 1999 - Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment - Graduate Diploma (AQF 8) - Securities Institute Education ~ 2012 - Accredited Derivatives Adviser Level 2 Exam - Other - Kaplan Professional Education ~ 2020 - Ethics and Professionalism in Financial Advice - Bridging Course - Ethics - Kaplan Professional