Baker Young Limited

AFS License Number
Baker Young Limited
Licensee issued
March 10, 2004
Adelaide, 5000, SA

Licence conditions

This licence authorises the licensee to carry on a financial services business to:
provide financial product advice for the following classes of financial products:
deposit and payment products limited to:
basic deposit products;
deposit products other than basic deposit products;
derivatives limited to:
old law securities options contracts and warrants;
debentures, stocks or bonds issued or proposed to be issued by a government;
interests in managed investment schemes excluding investor directed portfolio services;
interests in managed investment schemes limited to:
MDA services; and
deal in a financial product by:
issuing, applying for, acquiring, varying or disposing of a financial product in respect of the following classes of financial products:
deposit and payment products limited to:
basic deposit products;
deposit products other than basic deposit products;
derivatives limited to:
old law securities options contracts and warrants;
debentures, stocks or bonds issued or proposed to be issued by a government;
interests in managed investment schemes excluding investor directed portfolio services;
interests in managed investment schemes limited to:
MDA services; and
applying for, acquiring, varying or disposing of a financial product on behalf of another person in respect of the following classes of products:
deposit and payment products limited to:
basic deposit products;
deposit products other than basic deposit products;
derivatives limited to:
old law securities options contracts and warrants;
debentures, stocks or bonds issued or proposed to be issued by a government;
interests in managed investment schemes excluding investor directed portfolio services;
interests in managed investment schemes limited to:
MDA services; and
securities; and
interests in managed investment schemes; and
an issue of securities; and
provide the following custodial or depository services:
operate custodial or depository services other than investor directed portfolio services;
to retail and wholesale clients.



Name First provided advice Qualification and trainings
 Alan Christopher Young 1985 2007 - ASX/ACH Responsible Executive Exam - - ASX
 Alex Martin 2017 2014 - Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) - - University of Adelaide ~ 2016 - Diploma of Financial Planning - - Monarch Institute ~ 2017 - Advanced Diploma of Financial Planning - - Monarch Institute
 James Ashley Young 2018 2007 - ASX DTR Exam - - ASX ~ 2007 - RG 146 - - SDIA ~ 2016 - Graduate Diploma of Chartered Accounting - - Deakin University
 Mark Richard Potter 1994 1994 - Bachelor of Economics (Accounting) - - Flinders Univeristy ~ 1999 - Derivatives ADA 1 - - ASX ~ 2000 - Derviatives ADA 2 - - ASX
 Matthew David Plant 2001 2000 - Bachelor of Commerce - - University of Adelaide ~ 2004 - ADA Level 2 - - ASX ~ 2004 - ADA level 1 - - ASX
 Matthew Sean Paul Kenny 2000 2000 - DTR Exam - - ASX ~ 2000 - Diploma in Financial Markets - - Securities Institute of Australia ~ 2001 - Derivatives ADA 1 - - ASX ~ 2002 - Derivatives ADA 2 - - ASX
 Michael John Zollo 2014 2008 - RG 146 - - SDIA
 Timothy John Palframan 2014 2005 - Diploma of Accounting - - Kangaroo Point TAFE ~ 2014 - Core 1 Securites & Managed Investments Accreditation Program - - Deakin University
 Toby Michael Grimm 2001 2002 - ADA Level 1 - - ASX ~ 2004 - ADA Level 2 - - ASX