Australian Financial Services Authorised Representatives

An Australian Financial Services (AFS) Authorised Representative is an individual or firm that is authorized by an AFS licensee to provide financial services on behalf of the licensee. AFS licensees are companies that have been granted a license by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to provide financial services. An AFS Authorised Representative must have a formal agreement with the AFS licensee and must be supervised by the licensee. The representative is responsible for providing financial services to clients and must adhere to the same legal and ethical obligations as the licensee. The representative may be an individual with appropriate qualifications and experience, or it may be a firm with a team of financial advisers.

Last update: Feb. 2, 2025

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Name Locality ID
9 Brisbane Avenue Pty Ltd Sydney 1286244
9 Montrose Street Pty Ltd Melbourne 1296016
9 Tinnula Drive Pty Ltd 1304845
90 Lutwyche Road Pty Ltd Chermside 233839
901 Trader Services Pty Ltd 1305696
90rich Markets Pty Ltd 1310951
93 Orchard Circuit Pty Ltd Shepparton 243114
930 Funds Management Pty Ltd Brisbane 308687
958 Consulting Pty Ltd Mount Eliza 333057
96 Reservoir RD Adelaide Pty Ltd 1308682
99 Gawler PL Pty Ltd Sydney 1301649
99 IB Pty Ltd Osborne Park 1290769
991 Whitehorse Road Pty. Ltd. Melbourne 422258
993 Fund Services Pty Ltd Melbourne 1305698
993 Nominees Pty Ltd Melbourne 1300238
9E Investments Pty Ltd 1278644