Argonaut Securities Pty Limited

AFS License Number
Argonaut Securities Pty Limited
Licensee issued
July 1, 2004
Perth, 6000, WA

Licence conditions

This licence authorises the licensee to carry on a financial services business to:
provide financial product advice for the following classes of financial products:
deposit and payment products limited to:
basic deposit products;
deposit products other than basic deposit products;
debentures, stocks or bonds issued or proposed to be issued by a government;
interests in managed investment schemes including:
investor directed portfolio services;
standard margin lending facility; and
superannuation; and
deal in a financial product by:
issuing, applying for, acquiring, varying or disposing of a financial product in respect of the following classes of financial products:
interests in managed investment schemes excluding investor directed portfolio services; and
applying for, acquiring, varying or disposing of a financial product on behalf of another person in respect of the following classes of products:
deposit and payment products limited to:
basic deposit products;
deposit products other than basic deposit products;
debentures, stocks or bonds issued or proposed to be issued by a government;
interests in managed investment schemes including:
investor directed portfolio services;
standard margin lending facility; and
superannuation; and
interests in managed investment schemes; and
an issue of securities;
to retail and wholesale clients.



Name First provided advice Qualification and trainings
 Benjamin Robert Willoughby 2001 2002 - Securities, Futures & Managed Investments Accreditation - - SDIA - Deakin ~ 2009 - Level 1 Accredited Derivatives - - ASX-Kaplan Professional ~ 2010 - Margin Lending Accreditation - - Deakin Prime - SAA
 Cameron James Prunster 2009 2008 - Diploma in Financial Services - - Finsia
 David Maxwell Keogh 1993 1989 - Bachelor of Business (Fin. Mgt & Economics) - - Curtin University ~ 1996 - Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance & Investment - - Securities Institute ~ 2016 - SAA Managed Investments Module - - Stockbrokers Association of Australia / Deakin Prime
 Glen William Colgan 1988 1995 - Bachelor of Business (Financial Management & Economics) - - Curtin University ~ 1997 - Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment - - Securities Institute ~ 2003 - PS146 Financial Planning & Wealth Creation - - Finsia ~ 2007 - ASX Responsible Executive - - Tribeca
 Harrison Massey 2018 2015 - Bachelor of Commerce - - UWA ~ 2015 - Bachelor of Economics - - UWA ~ 2016 - RG146 Securities - MIS - - SAFAA / Deakin Prime ~ 2017 - RG146 Margin Lending - - SAFAA / Deakin Prime ~ 2018 - RG146 - Superannuation - - SAFAA / Deakin Prime
 Jake Michael Solomon 2018 2016 - Bachelor of Commerce - Bachelor Degree (AQF 7) - Curtin University ~ 2018 - Diploma of Financial Planning - - Monarch Institute ~ 2019 - CPA - Professional Designations - CPA Australia
 Lei FU 2023 2022 - Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning - Graduate Diploma (AQF 8) - Kaplan Professional
 Matej Mandic 2018 2017 - Diploma of Financial Planning - - Kaplan Professional ~ 2021 - Advanced Diploma of Financial Planning - Advanced Diploma (AQF 6) - Kaplan Professional