Abbotts Wealth Management Pty ltd

AFS License Number
Abbotts Wealth Management Pty ltd
Licensee issued
Sept. 21, 2006
West Perth, 6005, WA

Licence conditions

This licence authorises the licensee to carry on a financial services business to:
provide financial product advice for the following classes of financial products:
deposit and payment products limited to:
basic deposit products;
debentures, stocks or bonds issued or proposed to be issued by a government;
life products including:
investment life insurance products as well as any products issued by a Registered Life Insurance Company that are backed by one or more of its statutory funds; and
life risk insurance products as well as any products issued by a Registered Life Insurance Company that are backed by one or more of its statutory funds;
interests in managed investment schemes including:
investor directed portfolio services;
retirement savings accounts ("RSA") products (within the meaning of the Retirement Savings Account Act 1997);
standard margin lending facility; and
superannuation; and
deal in a financial product by:
issuing, applying for, acquiring, varying or disposing of a financial product in respect of the following classes of financial products:
derivatives; and
applying for, acquiring, varying or disposing of a financial product on behalf of another person in respect of the following classes of products:
deposit and payment products limited to:
basic deposit products;
debentures, stocks or bonds issued or proposed to be issued by a government;
life products including:
investment life insurance products as well as any products issued by a Registered Life Insurance Company that are backed by one or more of its statutory funds; and
life risk insurance products as well as any products issued by a Registered Life Insurance Company that are backed by one or more of its statutory funds;
interests in managed investment schemes including:
investor directed portfolio services;
retirement savings accounts ("RSA") products (within the meaning of the Retirement Savings Account Act 1997);
standard margin lending facility; and
to retail and wholesale clients.



Name First provided advice Qualification and trainings
 Andre James Parker 2005 2005 - Diploma of Financial Services (Financial Planning) - - Securities Institute of Australia ~ 2006 - Advanced Diploma of Financial Services (Financial Planning) - - Finsia ~ 2008 - Certified Financial Planner Course - - Financial Planning Association ~ 2013 - SPAA Specialist Member Accreditation Program - - SMSF Professionals Association of Australia ~ 2019 - Ethics & Professionalism in Financial Advice - Bridging Course - Ethics - Kaplan
 Briony Knott 2016 2005 - Bachelor of Commerce - - University of KwaZulu-Natal ~ 2016 - Masters in Financial Planning - - Kaplan ~ 2018 - Certified Financial Planning Course - - Financial Planning Association ~ 2018 - Self Managed Superannuation Funds - - Kaplan ~ 2019 - Ethics & Professionalism in Financial Advice - Bridging Course - Ethics - Kaplan
 John Charles Donald 1992 2000 - Diploma of Financial Planning - - Deakin University ~ 2011 - Margin Lending and Geared Investments - Other - Kaplan Professional