Self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) auditors | ASIC

A Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) Auditors Register is a database of individuals and organizations that are qualified to audit SMSFs in Australia. SMSFs are a type of retirement savings plan that are managed by the fund members themselves, rather than by a professional fund manager. In order to ensure that SMSFs are being managed properly and in accordance with the law, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) requires that they be audited by a registered SMSF auditor.

Last update: March 2, 2025

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Name Locality ID
ANDREA XING HUI LING Melbourne 100262093
ANH NGUYEN Melbourne 100303455
ARTHUR ROE Melbourne 100235023
Adrian Genoglou Melbourne 100264480
Alex Swansson Melbourne 100265334
Anand Shukla Melbourne 100186945
Andrew Draffin Melbourne 100108094
Angelo Biviano Melbourne 100240006
Arthur Topalidis Melbourne 100071261
Ashley Course Melbourne 100206139
Benjamin Lethborg Melbourne 100267365
Brian Jones Melbourne 100176118
Carl Nunan Melbourne 100020522
Casey McGrath Melbourne 100005794
Chi Truong Melbourne 100070353
Connie Howe Melbourne 100188234
Courtney Ta Melbourne 100266064
DAVID EDDY Melbourne 100068460
Daniel Tai Melbourne 100264015
David ARMSTRONG Melbourne 100246482
David Ackland Melbourne 100038220
David McKellar Melbourne 100086824
Dimitrios Beroukas Melbourne 100110129
Elliott Da Silva Melbourne 100265870
Ermis Yianni Melbourne 100091905
GERARD SHEEHY Melbourne 100229785
GLENN FAWCETT Melbourne 100056817
Gareth Martin Melbourne 100042822
Geoffrey Parker Melbourne 100021225
George Athans Melbourne 100078733
Gopal Pokharel Melbourne 100116514
Govardhan Anthony Melbourne 100151862
Graeme Day Melbourne 100078144
Harish Bisam Melbourne 100261596
Hattie Yu Melbourne 100263385
Hayley Underwood Melbourne 100153704
Henry Walachowski Melbourne 100071609
Hua Liu Melbourne 100205203
Ian Macpherson Melbourne 100026793
Ivan Clyne Melbourne 100054868
Ivan Filipovic Melbourne 100164574
Jacklyn Li Melbourne 100267650
John May Melbourne 100185135
John Phillips Melbourne 100077834
Joseph MATINA Melbourne 100092591
Joseph Tramontana Melbourne 100065941
Judy Jiang Melbourne 100260179
Justin Ko Melbourne 100068353
KEE SAW Melbourne 100052855
Kam Leong Chan Melbourne 100104765
Kane Munro Melbourne 100172647
Kevin Moran Melbourne 100158389
Le-Ing Ong Melbourne 100203870
Les McMillan Melbourne 100027576
Lu Huang Melbourne 100303660
MARK LISLE Melbourne 100227085
Magdalena Woznikiewicz Melbourne 100264711
Maree Pallisco Melbourne 100260464
Mark Gibson Melbourne 100223952
Mark Peters Melbourne 100079114
Michael Barnes Melbourne 100219350
Michael Heath Melbourne 100001349
Nader Zakaria Melbourne 100208106
Nicholas Walker Melbourne 100100990
Phillip Elliott Melbourne 100147322
Phuong Ngoc Le Melbourne 100303857
Piuma Samaratunga Melbourne 100303197
SHIV PARIHAR Melbourne 100000664
Samuel Claringbold Melbourne 100051438
Seungjae Lee Melbourne 100303875
Shane O'Brien Melbourne 100136089
Shun King Nancy Lau Melbourne 100266608
Stephen Eedy Melbourne 100067105
Stephen O'Kane Melbourne 100066466
TONY NG Melbourne 100057270
Tao Dong Melbourne 100259505
Thao Le Melbourne 100303866
Timothy Ryan Melbourne 100117440
Tiong TING Melbourne 100030966
Wendy Hancox Melbourne 100176065
Yang Xie Melbourne 100266279
Yaritza Salazar Fuentes Melbourne 100220264
david penman Melbourne 100150614
gregory Walch Melbourne 100086459
john yates Melbourne 100022286
paul dobson Melbourne 100158423