Self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) auditors | ASIC

A Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) Auditors Register is a database of individuals and organizations that are qualified to audit SMSFs in Australia. SMSFs are a type of retirement savings plan that are managed by the fund members themselves, rather than by a professional fund manager. In order to ensure that SMSFs are being managed properly and in accordance with the law, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) requires that they be audited by a registered SMSF auditor.

Last update: March 23, 2025

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Name Locality ID
ANTHONY COOTE Southport 100030304
Aaron Jones Southport 100013278
Christopher Dobbie Southport 100198650
Craig Tschirpig Southport 100134049
Daniel Prunty Southport 100267909
Gavin Dunn Southport 100010535
Gerald Cummings Southport 100255356
Grant Kai-Fong Southport 100053101
Gregory Short Southport 100211210
Joanne Hurley Southport 100301022
LUKE WOLFE Southport 100265398
Michael Beddoes Southport 100150785
Richard Allen Southport 100267221
STEPHEN HODGKINSON Southport 100043874
Tim Chung Southport 100220853
Yayati Sudame Southport 100150847