Self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) auditors | ASIC

A Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) Auditors Register is a database of individuals and organizations that are qualified to audit SMSFs in Australia. SMSFs are a type of retirement savings plan that are managed by the fund members themselves, rather than by a professional fund manager. In order to ensure that SMSFs are being managed properly and in accordance with the law, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) requires that they be audited by a registered SMSF auditor.

Last update: March 2, 2025

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Name Locality ID
Andrew Tulipano Surrey Hills 100265745
Dayaweera Wickramasinghe Mohottige Surrey Hills 100300301
Gregory McCluskey Surrey Hills 100131548
John Kelly Surrey Hills 100117879
Kevin Mottau Surrey Hills 100261943
Marco Polloni Surrey Hills 100024048
Mary Woo Kai Fong Surrey Hills 100303366
Qinbing Zhou Surrey Hills 100228028
Robert Ng Surrey Hills 100165400
Stephen Chenoweth Surrey Hills 100206326