Banned and Disqualified | ASIC

The Banned and Disqualified Persons Dataset on is taken from ASIC's Banned and Disqualified Registers. This dataset is a snapshot of the register data at a specific point in time. It provides information about individuals who have been:

  • Disqualified from being involved in the management of a corporation
  • Disqualified from auditing Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs)
  • Banned from practicing in the Australian Financial Services (AFS) or credit industry

This information pertains to individuals who have been banned from the AFS or credit industry, as well as those who have been prohibited from the credit industry by a state or territory.

The information in this search is sourced from several registers, including the disqualified persons register, the credit banned/disqualified persons register, and the AFS banned/disqualified persons register. There may be instances of similar names with slight variations in details such as address and place of birth. It is important to note that the data is recorded as it was reported to ASIC, and we cannot confirm if these similar records are the same person.

Last update: March 23, 2025

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Name Locality
Gabay, Raphael Dover Heights
Gabriel, Geoffrey Nicholas Walcha
Gaby, Adrian Michael Currumbin Valley
Gadallah, Boushra Rockdale
Galang, Neil Marayong
Galbraith, Andrew Robert Sheldon
Galea, Edmund Albert Wakerley
Galluccio, Basil Perth
Galluccio, Michael Anthony Perth
Gallus, Peter William Mermaid Beach
Galpin, Kim Robert Merewether
Ganatzos, Con Revesby
Gannan, James Anthony Boronia
Gannan, John Patrick Boronia
Gannell, Andrew Rowville
Gannell, Andrew John Belgrave
Gannell, Loredana Belgrave
Gara, Daniel Robert Woollahra
Garcia, Antonine Salaman Riverwood
Garcia, Robyn Maria Riverwood
Gardner, Leigh Anthony Frankston
Gardner, Sarah Kate Mooloolaba
Gargaro, Nicholas Joseph Melbourne
Garrad, Gregory Paul Murgon
Garside, Philip Surrey Hills
Gartrell, Andrew Borrodell Orange
Gaudet, Glenn Stephen Wishart
Gazal, Fouad Bellevue Hill
Gazal, Hayat Bellevue Hill
Gazal, Nahi Nasri Rose Bay
Geagea, Stephen Francis
Geaney, Adam Peter Kenmore
Geaney, John Joseph North Rockhampton
Geappen, Matthew Tranmere
Gee, Anthony James Kenthurst
Gehl, Eric Herbert Woollahra
Gelle, Warren Douglas Northmead
Gentle, Leslie Allan Boambee East
Gentry M, Dennis Collingwood
Geoges, John Hinchinbrook
George, Edward Mudgee
George, Edward Richard Mudgee
George, Ian Charles Minyama
George, Jeffrey Michael
George, Matthew Gregor Toorak
Georges, John Fairfield Heights
Georgi, Samir Campbellfield
Georgiadis, John Mansfield
Gerencser, Daniel Wetherill Park
Gergely, Gabor Darling Point
Gericevich, Maureen Patricia Joondanna
Gericevich, Robert Edward Joondanna
Gerster, Peterjon Conroy Kilsyth
Ghantous, Ramzi Guildford
Ghosn, Steven Merrylands
Giannicos, John Camberwell
Gibbings S, Brett
Gibbings, Brett Shane Balcatta
Gibbons, Kirk
Gibbs, James David Toorak Gardens
Gibbs, John William Lloyd Bundall
Gibellini, Robert John Perth
Gibson, Ashley Graham Chatswood
Gibson, Grant Stewart Cottesloe
Gibson, Ian Leslie Harbord
Gibson, Jennifer Lynn Chatswood
Gibson, Justin Luke
Gidiuli, Federick Adelaide
Giertz, Andrew Robert Morwell
Gilbert, Adam Christopher
Gilbert, Mark Patrick Parramatta
Gilchrist, Hugh Eliott Ringwood North
Giles, Lorraine Fay Forestville
Giles, Peter Anthony Balgowlah
Giles, Terence Francis Forestville
Gill, Damian Thomas Melbourne
Gillam, Peter Thomas Kallangur
Gillespie, Rick Southport
Gillespie, Ricky David Southport
Ginglo, Michael Paul Balgowlah Heights
Ginns, Alan Francis Baulkham Hills
Giraldo, Janeece Norma Raby Bay
Girurdo, Mario Beaconsfield
Gisler, Ian Edward Cleveland
Gisler, Jon Thornlands
Giuffre, Joanne Geelong West
Giuffre, Vincent Patrick Geelong West
Glasby, Gail Varsity Lakes
Glover, Mark Richard Surry Hills
Glover, Maryann Surry Hills
Glover, Peter Lyle Hill
Goddard, Elfrida Vaucluse
Goddard, Joseph Vaucluse
Godfrey, Patrick John Strathdale
Goel, Rahul Boronia
Goh, Bean San Joondalup
Goldberg, Lolita Helen Canterbury
Goldberg, Robert Anthony Canterbury
Goldenberg, Mark Travis Hamersley
Goldenberg, Max David Currambine
Goldenberg, Maxwell David Currambine
Golding, Judith May Glenfield
Golding, Roger Glenfield
Golman, Serge Bondi
Goncalves, Maria Cecil Hills
Gonos, Angela Northcote
Gonos, Sam Northcote
Good, Ian Glen Waverley
Goodman, Ian Charles Sadlier
Goodwin, Francis Michael John Camberwell
Gordon, Brett Andrew Peregian Springs
Gordon, Jeffry Leonard
Gordon, Moishe Caulfield
Gordon, Roger Charles Tea Tree Gully
Gore, Craig Hope Island
Gore, Craig Kevin Hope Island
Gore, Craig Kirin Hope Island
Gore, Craig Kirran Hope Island
Gore, Craig Kirrin Hope Island
Gore, Marina Paradise Point
Gore, Marina Ulrika Lovisa Paradise Point
Gorga, Maurice Frank Prestons
Gorham, Gregory James Blacksmiths
Goros, John Varsity Lakes
Gorrie, Bruce Graham Capalaba
Gorski, Kazmar Woodstock
Goss, Tony Middle Park
Gosson, Neville Edward Elizabeth Bay
Gosson, Shirley Gwendoline Thredbo Village
Goudie, Peter Avondale
Goudie, Peter Richard Avondale
Gough, Graeme John Southbank
Gough, Graham John Kew
Gould, Michael Stephen Leeming
Gould, Patricia June North Balgowlah
Goulding, Edwin
Grace, William James Katoomba
Gradman, Kelman Motel Caulfield North
Graf, Rodger Bowen Salisbury
Graham, Jill Lynette Glenwood
Graham, Martin Kingscliff
Graham, Martin Pierre Lourens New Farm
Graham, Peter John Portsea
Grana, Tony Emilo ST Ives
Grandine, Kerrin Thelma Ivanhoe
Grandine, Walter Ivanhoe
Grant, Adam Guy Kew
Grant, Joan Leslie Lilydale
Grant, Ross David Frankston
Grant, Warren John Lilydale
Grant, William Keith Glen Iris
Gration, Damian Lawrence Wooloowin
Gray, Alan Peter Benowa
Gray, Donald Edgley Thornbury
Gray, Elizabeth Ann Balwyn North
Gray, Garrick Lewis Toorak
Greathead, Paul Charlestown
Greaves, John Huyshe Mosman
Green, Jennifer Anne Kembla
Green, Paul Anthony
Green, Peter Alan Nundah
Green, Stephen New Farm
Greene, Adam
Greenwood, James David Cromer
Greenwood, Michael James Oatley
Gregg, Guy Richard Alexander East Melbourne
Gregory, Michael Peter ST Ives
Grevsmuhl, Mark Steven Shailer Park
Grewal, Manvinder Singh Roseville Chase
Grey, Ian Neville Mordialloc
Gribble, Peter Turramurra
Gribble, Peter Geoffrey Turramurra
Griffiths, David William West Perth
Griffiths, Ronald Kenneth Batesford
Griggs, Chris Mount Pleasant
Griggs, Christopher Mount Pleasant
Griggs, Christopher John Mount Pleasant
Griggs, Ian Thomas Rosemount
Grimm, Bradley John Prahran
Grimmond, Peter Gordon Sawtell
Grkovic, Dusko Wellington Point
Grochowski, Michael Hampton
Grochowski, Michael Stefan South Melbourne
Grofski, Holly Cranley
Grofski, Holly Marie Cranley
Grossberg, Egon Toorak
Grossberg, Greta Anne
Grosskreutz, Drew Minyama
Grosskreutz, Drew Michael Minyama
Grossman, Peter North Bondi
Grubb, Graeme Clifford Cloisters Square
Grubisa, Dominique Eva North Turramurra
Grubisa, Dominque Eva
Grubwinkler, Gerald Hendra
Grummisch, Charles Phillip Warrandyte
Grunfeld, Margaret Julie Clayton South
Guan, Walter Yaolong Silverwater
Gubas, Miroslav Kingston
Gucciardi, Antonino Salvatore Shelley
Gundry, Simon Marcus Mornington
Gunner, Robert James South Brisbane
Gupta, Abhinav Chadstone
Guss, Antony David Glen Iris
Guthrie, Alan Dennis Kenneth Rosebud
Gutnick, Joseph Isaac ST Kilda East
Gynther, Mark John West Pennant Hills