Australian Financial Services Authorised Representatives

An Australian Financial Services (AFS) Authorised Representative is an individual or firm that is authorized by an AFS licensee to provide financial services on behalf of the licensee. AFS licensees are companies that have been granted a license by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to provide financial services. An AFS Authorised Representative must have a formal agreement with the AFS licensee and must be supervised by the licensee. The representative is responsible for providing financial services to clients and must adhere to the same legal and ethical obligations as the licensee. The representative may be an individual with appropriate qualifications and experience, or it may be a firm with a team of financial advisers.

Last update: Dec. 29, 2024

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Name Locality ID
Bass, Leanne Rose Bairnsdale 411023
Eldridge, Andrew James Bairnsdale 433631
Gippsland Finance Solutions Pty Ltd Bairnsdale 470812
Grant, William Duncan Bairnsdale 325099
Johnston, Kathryn Ellen Bairnsdale 1234971
Levens, Anne Bairnsdale 425022
Perry, Jodie Nyree Bairnsdale 304025
Peter Dullard Motor Group Pty Ltd Bairnsdale 261843
Quatro Grande Pty Ltd Bairnsdale 261765
Robert Trewin Mortgage Broking Pty Ltd Bairnsdale 433801
Savory, Jaime Louise Bairnsdale 470811
Sicura, Maria Bairnsdale 256238
The Trustee For Paynesville Developments Unit Trust Bairnsdale 434538
Trewin, Robert Michael Bairnsdale 281577
Waddell, Dianne Bairnsdale 419435
Wagstaff, Joseph Ronald Bairnsdale 1234771