Credit Representatives | ASIC

A Credit Representatives Register is a list or database of individuals who are registered as credit representatives with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). A credit representative is an individual who provides credit or financial services related to credit on behalf of a credit licensee, such as a bank or financial institution. In order to become a registered credit representative, an individual must have a formal agreement with a credit licensee and must be supervised by the licensee. The register may include information such as the name, contact information, and registration number of the credit representatives. It may also include information about the credit licensee that the representative works for, as well as any conditions or restrictions that apply to their registration. The register may be available to the public, allowing consumers to verify the registration of a credit representative before doing business with them.

Last update: March 23, 2025

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Name Locality ID
A Mortgage Broker (aussie) Pty Ltd Mill Park 413715
AM Gala Miles Pty Ltd Mill Park 552370
Barto, Robert Mill Park 413266
Chandel, Ankush Mill Park 505693
Christian Hennequin & Associates Pty Ltd Mill Park 538580
Compare Financials Pty Ltd Mill Park 505665
Dogra, Srishti Mill Park 565998
Espiritu, Neville Mill Park 495148
Finaus Group Pty Ltd Mill Park 565997
Gladden Pty. Ltd. Mill Park 541922
Hennequin, Marie Mill Park 538579
Johnson Financial Services Pty Ltd Mill Park 546686
Johnson, Jennifer Kathleen Mill Park 483335
Keyani Enterprise Pty Ltd Mill Park 545192
Kiongo, Peter Karanja Mill Park 508899
Lin, Song Mill Park 539544
Loan Select Professionals Pty. Ltd. Mill Park 482734
Lucci, Salvatore Mill Park 365571
Moneyking Pty Ltd Mill Park 563343
Mortgage Scout Pty Ltd Mill Park 567055
NE Finance Solutions Pty. Ltd. Mill Park 495051
Quynh Anh Enterprise Pty Ltd Mill Park 397264
Raaaj Group Pty Ltd Mill Park 503430
Stamkovski, John Mill Park 370686
The Trustee For Hamoud Enterprise Trust Mill Park 564165