Credit Representatives | ASIC

A Credit Representatives Register is a list or database of individuals who are registered as credit representatives with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). A credit representative is an individual who provides credit or financial services related to credit on behalf of a credit licensee, such as a bank or financial institution. In order to become a registered credit representative, an individual must have a formal agreement with a credit licensee and must be supervised by the licensee. The register may include information such as the name, contact information, and registration number of the credit representatives. It may also include information about the credit licensee that the representative works for, as well as any conditions or restrictions that apply to their registration. The register may be available to the public, allowing consumers to verify the registration of a credit representative before doing business with them.

Last update: March 23, 2025

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Name Locality ID
Acfc Financial Pty Ltd Hurstville 417667
Adili, Reheman Hurstville 537905
Ambition Avenue Finance Pty Ltd Hurstville 560461
Ashkar, Adrian Hurstville 559783
Asset Loan Pty Ltd Hurstville 548155
Australian Advance HD Group Pty Ltd Hurstville 510059
Australian Financial Advisory Services Pty. Limited Hurstville 538304
Award Hurstville Pty. Ltd. Hurstville 488221
Beh, Jordan Hoe Hurstville 495343
Blue Ribbon Financial Pty Ltd Hurstville 540844
Bonnici, Christopher Paul Hurstville 554096
Bosevski, Robert Hurstville 372059
Bosley, Paul Hurstville 436074
Brown Brothers Mortgages Pty Ltd Hurstville 534896
Brown, Catherine Hurstville 448204
Brown, Jayden Hurstville 534897
Bwg Financial Planning Pty Ltd Hurstville 527522
Caria, Domenico Salvatore Hurstville 539278
Chan, Pui Ling Hurstville 365488
Chen, Connie Ting Hurstville 549783
Cheng & YU Consulting Pty Ltd Hurstville 529662
Cordwell, Christopher Hurstville 533176
Crossover Finance Pty Ltd Hurstville 487728
Crowntech Pty Ltd Hurstville 565389
Crystal Investment Solutions Pty Ltd Hurstville 472329
Cusumano, Angelo Hurstville 417694
Fan, Yui Ming Hurstville 493407
Garcia Isola, Gabriel Ignacio Hurstville 539279
Gardenia Financial Group Pty Ltd Hurstville 540577
Ghaly, Maria Hurstville 560942
Girgis, Steve Hurstville 556116
Girgs Finance Pty Ltd Hurstville 556115
Gu, Bei Hurstville 558598
Guide Financial Services Pty Ltd Hurstville 558597
Heroes Home Loans Australia Pty Ltd Hurstville 535570
Hong, Jie Hurstville 510058
Hu, Ying Hurstville 501730
Huang, Xiaoming Hurstville 496391
Initial Finance / Asset Pty Ltd Hurstville 557492
Insight Property Finance Pty. Ltd. Hurstville 495306
Jaycorp Financial Pty Ltd Hurstville 518186
Keskin, Cengiz Hurstville 498171
King, Joshua Graeme Hurstville 565418
Klq Holdings Pty. Limited Hurstville 544426
LZ Group AU Pty Ltd Hurstville 555658
Li, QI Hurstville 536192
Liu, Yang Hurstville 500103
Lvrc Pty Ltd Hurstville 564647
Manji, Alya Zehra Hurstville 453994
Manji, Mehboob Hurstville 372907
Meng, Yali Hurstville 506079
Moldrich, Adrienne Victoria Hurstville 563394
Ng, Leon Hurstville 523442
Nohra, Yolla Hurstville 392798
Oracle Financial Services Pty. Ltd. Hurstville 367691
Prosperity Investing Pty Ltd Hurstville 553271
QD Finance Pty Ltd Hurstville 558180
Qian, Yina Hurstville 558181
Realway Finance Pty Ltd Hurstville 490934
Shao, Yichen Hurstville 492964
Sharp Lending Pty Ltd Hurstville 498107
Shi, Yuanfang Hurstville 531545
Tjung, Andi Hurstville 487815
Velox Capital Pty Ltd Hurstville 539169
WY Consultant Group Pty Ltd Hurstville 425948
Wang, Tony Guohui Hurstville 376880
Wang, Weipeng Hurstville 546121
Wang, Zhecheng Hurstville 529663
Wise Fund & Mortgage Pty Ltd Hurstville 561678
Wong, Eric Chek-heng Hurstville 560462
Y Eternal International Group Pty Ltd Hurstville 509259
Yang, Danyang Hurstville 470343
Your Wealth Finance Group Pty Ltd Hurstville 559784
Ytn Mortgage Broking Services Pty Ltd Hurstville 392797
Yu, Wenjun Hurstville 540845
Zenith Financial Solutions Pty Ltd Hurstville 540727
Zhang, Ziwei Hurstville 516892
Zhao, Dandan Hurstville 519072
Zhao, Yingfei Hurstville 543893
Zhao, Yiyin Hurstville 546454
Zhou, Jingxian Hurstville 504728
Zzcc Investments Pty Ltd Hurstville 549784