Credit Representatives | ASIC

A Credit Representatives Register is a list or database of individuals who are registered as credit representatives with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). A credit representative is an individual who provides credit or financial services related to credit on behalf of a credit licensee, such as a bank or financial institution. In order to become a registered credit representative, an individual must have a formal agreement with a credit licensee and must be supervised by the licensee. The register may include information such as the name, contact information, and registration number of the credit representatives. It may also include information about the credit licensee that the representative works for, as well as any conditions or restrictions that apply to their registration. The register may be available to the public, allowing consumers to verify the registration of a credit representative before doing business with them.

Last update: March 23, 2025

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Name Locality ID
Australia Prosperlink Finance Pty Ltd Haymarket 566839
Bar One Bondi Pty Ltd Haymarket 560429
Beat MY Loan Pty Ltd Haymarket 489939
Bellach, Penny Haymarket 554344
Bi, Siyang Haymarket 531720
Chan, Wai Chiu Haymarket 529487
Chen, Xiaohan Haymarket 457726
Choo, Yoke Fong Haymarket 513863
Chow Investors Allianz Pty. Ltd. Haymarket 524533
City West Community Financial Services Limited Haymarket 374804
Compare Club Australia Pty Ltd Haymarket 519886
Constantinople Operating Company Pty Ltd Haymarket 564448
Easton Finance Group Pty Ltd Haymarket 531719
Elderfield, Samuel Haymarket 535446
Guan, Yufei Haymarket 565917
Ho, Leon Haymarket 544999
Innovative Wealth Pty. Ltd. Haymarket 530283
Jin, Yan Haymarket 560427
Li, YU Juan Haymarket 457788
Li, Zheng Haymarket 566840
Liang, Henson Haymarket 484785
Liu, Yanlei Haymarket 477566
Lozano Arango, Nataly Alexandra Haymarket 533359
Mak, Suet Man Haymarket 521656
Mpi Investment Pty. Ltd. Haymarket 546907
Pan, Yiqiong Haymarket 477696
Pitsikas, Kosta Haymarket 563183
Raina, Parul Haymarket 551551
Rising Investment Group Pty Ltd Haymarket 457492
Rynco Finance Pty Ltd Haymarket 535658
SY Mortgage Pty Ltd Haymarket 556511
Smart Mortgage Hub Pty Ltd Haymarket 563721
Space Capsule Pty Ltd Haymarket 512030
Tang, Xiao Yue Haymarket 538028
Txy Financing Pty. Ltd Haymarket 538027
VS Financial Group Pty Ltd Haymarket 482089
VW Capital Pty Ltd Haymarket 528387
Wan, YU Haymarket 559425
Wang, Audrey Haymarket 525374
Wang, Xiwei Haymarket 528388
Wu, Jiagen Haymarket 466810
Yan, Shali Haymarket 509040
Yip, Scott Kin Haymarket 550585
Yippee Finance Pty Ltd Haymarket 550586
Zhang, Xinxin Haymarket 564239
Zhang, Yijia Haymarket 525560