Credit Representatives | ASIC

A Credit Representatives Register is a list or database of individuals who are registered as credit representatives with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). A credit representative is an individual who provides credit or financial services related to credit on behalf of a credit licensee, such as a bank or financial institution. In order to become a registered credit representative, an individual must have a formal agreement with a credit licensee and must be supervised by the licensee. The register may include information such as the name, contact information, and registration number of the credit representatives. It may also include information about the credit licensee that the representative works for, as well as any conditions or restrictions that apply to their registration. The register may be available to the public, allowing consumers to verify the registration of a credit representative before doing business with them.

Last update: March 23, 2025

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Name Locality ID
Advice 4 You Pty Ltd Collingwood 481144
Aleks H Financial Services Pty Ltd Collingwood 538238
Bajaj, Nidhi Collingwood 552228
Bocallini, Louis Eugene Collingwood 543838
Boddington, Paul David Collingwood 507595
Bouch, Brock Jon Collingwood 452809
Brabham, Travis Michael Collingwood 527896
Bryans, Thomas Richard Collingwood 565271
Cloud8 Finance Pty Ltd Collingwood 532303
Dawes, Bree-anne Evelyn Collingwood 390367
Debt Rewind Pty Ltd Collingwood 482384
Deliverance CO Pty Ltd Collingwood 546998
Dinh, Steven Thien Collingwood 562527
Durmisevic, Amra Collingwood 553790
Edirisinghe Arachchillage, Charitha Collingwood 554899
Ekbuu Pty Ltd Collingwood 557937
Elliot, Brett David Collingwood 532719
Elliott, Timothy Joseph Collingwood 517322
Fintcap Pty Ltd Collingwood 534662
Franja, Lorenc Collingwood 506932
Fraresso, Matthew Robert Collingwood 555321
Garvey, Ian Collingwood 406867
Gebka, John Collingwood 561586
Glenis, Jerry Collingwood 534443
Grandsable, Bowen Collingwood 540808
Guan, Xiaoyin Collingwood 540544
Home Loans Plus (aust) Pty Ltd Collingwood 455491
Hrkalovic, Aleksandar Collingwood 538272
Jamm Finance Pty Ltd Collingwood 521586
Jowett Motor Group Pty Ltd Collingwood 409052
Kennedy, Kristen Collingwood 515800
Khreish, Luay Collingwood 464946
Lau, Yan HO Collingwood 563747
Le, Anh Tran Collingwood 541426
Le, MY Anh Collingwood 490695
Liang, Jason Chen Collingwood 539799
Masters Broker Group Pty Ltd Collingwood 422387
May, Matthew Collingwood 365546
Morrison, Jarrod Mark Collingwood 521632
Mortgage Simplicity Pty Ltd Collingwood 516455
Mullavey, Bret Michael Collingwood 509425
Nexus Finance Services Pty Ltd Collingwood 493124
Nvested Group Pty. Ltd. Collingwood 481407
O'connor, Kyle Collingwood 542576
Panayi, Rakis Collingwood 456233
Papadopoulos, Eve Collingwood 493334
Papadopoulos, Harry Collingwood 480179
Parker, Ryan Collingwood 537651
Pecar, Matt Collingwood 466872
Plant, David Collingwood 557087
Portia, Christian Collingwood 529001
Premium Leasing Pty Ltd Collingwood 455493
Qubed Finance Pty Ltd Collingwood 489428
Ragged Mountain Group Pty Ltd Collingwood 506030
Robertshawe, Oscar Collingwood 514286
Romeo, Nathan James Collingwood 481408
Ryan, Benjamin Anthony Collingwood 529652
SB & IG Investments Pty. Ltd. Collingwood 529651
Starcevic, Tristan Lee Collingwood 454943
Su, Jing Collingwood 532406
Toner, Kym Collingwood 365108
Turmeric Financial Pty Ltd Collingwood 392579
Two Zero Seven Pty Ltd Collingwood 567113
Udupitigamage, Kevin Collingwood 533840
Ukut, Kenneth Brinsley Collingwood 558200
Vikamshi, Nirtaya Ankit Collingwood 541147
Weigl, Daniel Werner Collingwood 511636
Young, Melinda Jane Collingwood 364491
Yuan, Shuai Collingwood 559643
Zanoria, Melissa Collingwood 545984