Credit Representatives | ASIC

A Credit Representatives Register is a list or database of individuals who are registered as credit representatives with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). A credit representative is an individual who provides credit or financial services related to credit on behalf of a credit licensee, such as a bank or financial institution. In order to become a registered credit representative, an individual must have a formal agreement with a credit licensee and must be supervised by the licensee. The register may include information such as the name, contact information, and registration number of the credit representatives. It may also include information about the credit licensee that the representative works for, as well as any conditions or restrictions that apply to their registration. The register may be available to the public, allowing consumers to verify the registration of a credit representative before doing business with them.

Last update: Dec. 15, 2024

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Name Locality ID
Andretta, Veronika Cockburn Central 557216
Bateman, Rae Michele Cockburn Central 543162
Benson, Mikayla Melissa Cockburn Central 560356
Bertram, Andrew Cockburn Central 529713
Bertram, Philip James Cockburn Central 526434
Bevan, Karyn Lauren Cockburn Central 538101
Briggs, Susan Mary Cockburn Central 524970
Burns, David Michael Cockburn Central 494357
Cooper, Pamela Cockburn Central 458511
Dalley, Robert James Cockburn Central 384646
Desmond, Cory Cockburn Central 554785
Dicton, Adam Christopher Cockburn Central 500650
Fernandes, Melvin Roopesh Cockburn Central 561680
Fletcher, Nicole Cockburn Central 515652
Gao, RU Cockburn Central 548989
Garbin, Deanne Marie Cockburn Central 486631
Hallums, Lee Cockburn Central 430598
Kayano Investments Pty Ltd Cockburn Central 394660
Macdonald, Jessie May Cockburn Central 546164
Mccabrey, Kevin David Cockburn Central 543136
Narang, Mohit Cockburn Central 533208
Ogrady-smith, Robert Cockburn Central 524950
Ormerod, Jack Peter Cockburn Central 536296
Perry, Bianca Jane Cockburn Central 450053
Pujara Investments Pty Ltd Cockburn Central 510743
Pujara, Rajat Cockburn Central 510897
Sargent, Jesamine Charlotte Cockburn Central 508589
Singla, Shivani Cockburn Central 482301
Success Wealth WA Pty Ltd Cockburn Central 482249
Upadhyay, Abhishek Cockburn Central 436697
Upadhyay, Priyanka Cockburn Central 524092
Vegunta, Srivalli Cockburn Central 559445