Credit Representatives | ASIC

A Credit Representatives Register is a list or database of individuals who are registered as credit representatives with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). A credit representative is an individual who provides credit or financial services related to credit on behalf of a credit licensee, such as a bank or financial institution. In order to become a registered credit representative, an individual must have a formal agreement with a credit licensee and must be supervised by the licensee. The register may include information such as the name, contact information, and registration number of the credit representatives. It may also include information about the credit licensee that the representative works for, as well as any conditions or restrictions that apply to their registration. The register may be available to the public, allowing consumers to verify the registration of a credit representative before doing business with them.

Last update: March 23, 2025

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Name Locality ID
1932 Financial Services Pty Limited Caringbah 396740
Agora Finance Pty Ltd Caringbah 559403
Alpha One Advisory Pty Ltd Caringbah 508418
Ambition Financial Group Pty Limited Caringbah 511869
Anthony, Kade Caringbah 446377
Arvanitopoulos, Constantine Caringbah 563986
Asset Finance & Management Pty Ltd Caringbah 407334
Assured Mortgage Services Pty Ltd Caringbah 481834
Barling, Mark Christopher Caringbah 407048
Bartlett, Jeff Caringbah 369993
Brew, James Caringbah 545706
Buckley, Adam Caringbah 365337
Build Invest Grow Pty Ltd Caringbah 466644
Caine Holdings Pty Ltd Caringbah 435407
Capta Financial Pty Ltd Caringbah 532947
Choi, Ronson Long Caringbah 486171
Cochran, Brett John Caringbah 474999
Connect Financial Management Pty Ltd Caringbah 512138
Connecting Finance Group Pty Ltd Caringbah 532906
Coughlan, Shona Jane Caringbah 494193
Cpm Arvan Pty Ltd Caringbah 563985
Cronulla & Port Hacking Mortgage Services Pty Ltd Caringbah 388334
Cronulla Sutherland Mortgage Options Pty Limited Caringbah 397059
Deushian, Eugenie Jenny Caringbah 483738
Diez, Eddison Caringbah 562765
Espinosa Rodriguez, Carolina Caringbah 534185
Financial Ascension Pty Ltd Caringbah 477379
Gomes Abreu Dos Santos, Fabiano Caringbah 533473
Hanna, Ramy Caringbah 559515
Hayes, James Caringbah 368823
Highfield Private Pty Limited Caringbah 527641
Horsnell, Charlotte Caringbah 541518
Hyland, John Michael Caringbah 503424
Kiss, Peter Caringbah 372940
Kocabay, Onur Caringbah 511670
Koutsouklakis, Dimitrios Caringbah 508521
Kuehn, Daniel Blazquez Caringbah 553214
Lemone, George Caringbah 540709
Martin Financial Group Pty Ltd Caringbah 539280
Martin, David John Caringbah 514670
Mcsweyn, John Neil Caringbah 507522
Mortgage & Insurance Specialists Pty Ltd Caringbah 415682
Mui, Michael Caringbah 534077
Nobrega DE Oliveira, Alvaro Augusto Caringbah 497987
Oak Park Financial Pty Ltd Caringbah 503423
Panagaris, Peter Caringbah 391641
Pithers, Gregory Colin Caringbah 533367
Riekie, Darren Graeme Caringbah 401577
Sales, Christopher Caringbah 436426
Stokes, Brett Caringbah 375106
The Brokerage Connection Pty Ltd Caringbah 547563
The Finance Warehouse Pty Ltd Caringbah 435681
Thomas, Sean Caringbah 428118
Tracey, Craig Robert Caringbah 434669
Traynor, Lucas Ian Caringbah 541156
Upton, Benjamin Caringbah 543031
Wilson, Susan Caringbah 532905
Zim Buckley Consulting Pty Ltd Caringbah 523452