Credit Representatives | ASIC

A Credit Representatives Register is a list or database of individuals who are registered as credit representatives with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). A credit representative is an individual who provides credit or financial services related to credit on behalf of a credit licensee, such as a bank or financial institution. In order to become a registered credit representative, an individual must have a formal agreement with a credit licensee and must be supervised by the licensee. The register may include information such as the name, contact information, and registration number of the credit representatives. It may also include information about the credit licensee that the representative works for, as well as any conditions or restrictions that apply to their registration. The register may be available to the public, allowing consumers to verify the registration of a credit representative before doing business with them.

Last update: March 12, 2025

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Name Locality ID
Aaa Group Aus Pty Ltd Bendigo 562719
Agb & CO Pty Ltd Bendigo 539967
Assi, Elie Michel Bendigo 556386
Balzan, Adam Shane Bendigo 496060
Beasley, Adam Lawrence Bendigo 489640
Bendigo Lending Centre Pty. Ltd. Bendigo 504352
Bradley, Ronald Bendigo 378948
Bugeja, Andrew Bendigo 539968
Burns, Jessica Amy Bendigo 555482
Cameron, Dale Bendigo 541029
Central Vic Financial Solutions Pty Ltd Bendigo 423629
Davie, Cameron Craig Bendigo 386041
Dejong, Hayley Bendigo 469986
Delikatzis, Celeste Alexandra Bendigo 561195
Eaton, Brad Daniel Bendigo 552619
Ebery, Llewellyn Bendigo 516004
Finch, Jason David Bendigo 365617
Gadsden & Associates Pty Ltd Bendigo 415495
Gadsden, Harrison Francis Bendigo 531827
Gempaw Pty Ltd Bendigo 419445
Geoffrey, Schintler Bendigo 508040
Harrison, Glenn Bendigo 482190
Heap Pty. Ltd. Bendigo 374782
Heavyside, Jacob Daniel Bendigo 521708
Heavyside, Samuel Bendigo 541048
Horan, Gerard Bendigo 481844
Horbury, Nathan Bendigo 528939
Ingram, Monica Bendigo 472372
Kelly, Peter Edward Bendigo 374362
Kentis Holdings Pty Ltd Bendigo 547773
Kuchel, Jake Bendigo 561553
Lakey, Dean Corey Bendigo 506276
Lead Lending & Finance Pty Ltd Bendigo 506275
Leetham, Jace Graham Bendigo 521707
Looped Ventures Pty Ltd Bendigo 562404
Lpm Finance Pty Ltd Bendigo 533093
Macedon Home Loans Pty Ltd Bendigo 480895
Mcgirr, Wade Philip Bendigo 369428
Middleton, Ruth Bendigo 365141
Millard, Marc Bendigo 533181
Millennial Finance Group Pty Ltd Bendigo 521642
Miller, Jedd Bendigo 536653
Mulquiny, Luke Bendigo 560122
Nalesnyik, Michael Joseph Bendigo 480896
Neilson, Lloyd Bendigo 541777
Neuendorf, Kane Robert Bendigo 542671
Pinder, Jacqueline Michelle Bendigo 462529
Rechter Financial Services Pty Ltd Bendigo 506426
Stork, Phillippa Bendigo 550461
Symes Motors Pty. Ltd. Bendigo 396047
Taggert, Cameron Bendigo 552204
Tharle, Adam Bendigo 487813
Townsend, Jaime Renee Bendigo 531556
Underwood, Allan James Bendigo 515499
Venture Finance Services Pty Ltd Bendigo 487639
Vic Finance Solutions Pty Ltd Bendigo 528302
Warcaba, Peter Bendigo 372951