Financial Advisers Australia (FAA)

The Financial Advisers Australia Register is a database of individuals and organizations that provide financial advice in Australia. The register contains information about the qualifications and experience of financial advisers, as well as any disciplinary actions or regulatory sanctions they may have received. It is maintained by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), the country's financial regulatory agency. Financial advisers in Australia are required to be registered with ASIC in order to provide advice to clients. The register is publicly available and can be searched online to help consumers find qualified and reputable financial advisers in their area.

Last update: March 23, 2025

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HA Thi Nhue Nguyen 1265166
HE Kai Wee 1310198
HO Kei Ivy Chan 1253827
HO Yin AU 245806
HO Yin Hang 1272093
HO Yin Siu 1003968
HU Ling SU 1268284
HY Seng 1272767
Ha-dieu Ford 1289535
Haagan Van Dyke 250820
Habib Esmaty 1258077
Habibullah Sakhi 1300792
Hadas Nehama Danziger 1269994
Haden Lacey 1238473
Hae Chung 418773
Hagar Shidorsky-lipa 1273594
Hai Hoang Nguyen 1248262
Hai Sun 1264068
Hai Ying Chen 1005562
Haifa Rahmani 1257906
Haifeng Lei 1264691
Haigh Griffith Barrie 1250807
Hailey Amber Lane Lawrie 1235528
Hailey Skilbeck 1252213
Hailong Cui 1273004
Haing LY Kaing 1271129
Haipeng XU 1256250
Haiping Liang 1257683
Haison Tran 333464
Hak Fei Vivian Chau 1002645
Hakan Ozyon 461990
Hakem Dirshe 1247611
Haley Dore 470080
Haley Kate Tudor-harrop 1269911
Haley Maree Forge 1004829
Haley Paul 1234701
Haley Van Leeuwen 1006769
Halina Louise Roach 1003727
Hamed Ahmad 1241305
Hamid Houli 439176
Hamida Hamid Abdulrahimzai 1233503
Hamilton Hume 431285
Hamish Alexander Mclean-perry 1271780
Hamish Alistair Mcgilvray 1251085
Hamish Andrew Foletta 1262465
Hamish Andrew Rogers 1254234
Hamish Blanche 438919
Hamish Blievers 1005061
Hamish Bonifant 376665
Hamish Clark 450169
Hamish Coleman 1006782
Hamish Colin Pearce 311927
Hamish David Dunbar 295407
Hamish David Pym 300112
Hamish Foletta 1006023
Hamish Garth Ninham 1269504
Hamish Graeme Edwards 322504
Hamish Graham Ogilvy 1240260
Hamish Hamish Dawson 1266588
Hamish Hill 1313500
Hamish Hugh Mercer Thomson 1255555
Hamish Ian Landreth 356181
Hamish Ian Rankin 470391
Hamish John Salmon 1001295
Hamish John Wylie 1002489
Hamish Johnson 1000287
Hamish Julian Church 1268573
Hamish Leslie Mcintosh 1001770
Hamish Lindeman 1005470
Hamish Lorimore Zerbe 311583
Hamish Macdonald Thomson 1003752
Hamish Macdougall Ferguson 292461
Hamish Mackay 1006783
Hamish Mccathie 240786
Hamish Mcdonald 1261209
Hamish Peter Nairn 1002287
Hamish Richard Gardner Harvey 302140
Hamish Richard Mcdouall 306672
Hamish Robbie Dee 259232
Hamish Rowan Macneil 1006054
Hamish Stuart 366511
Hamish Thomas Ross 1263278
Hammad Khalid 1254042
Hamza Iqbal Butt 1249390
Han Ngoc Nguyen 1271455
Han Spendlove 280882
Han WU 1252949
Hana Celia Nataprawira 1238234
Handan Dikici 288307
Hang (cathy) Ding 1262978
Hang Cong Diem Dinh 1254714
Hang Thuy Truong 1002426
Hanjie Shi 1238075
Hanjin Rhee 1003201
Hank Van Gasselt 260510
Hanna Abdullah 1272658
Hanna Margaret Howard 264536
Hanna Maria Alina Jansson 1007219
Hanna OO 1272908
Hannah Cherie Goggin 1240562
Hannah Elizabeth Arnold 1235806
Hannah Frances Fellows 1279584
Hannah Galvez 1301695
Hannah Holtslag 1009075
Hannah Isobel Hines 1306183
Hannah Jane Mccready 1272436
Hannah Jayne Nuku 440084
Hannah Kate Freeman 1306984
Hannah Kate Waller 1236572
Hannah Kay Stansfield 1233683
Hannah Kristine Jennings 337171
Hannah Louise Doherty-mcmillan 1241272
Hannah Louise Smith 1272312
Hannah Maree Murray 1310090
Hannah Mary Downes 1299356
Hannah Mary Gordon Robertson 1305889
Hannah Negri 1262954
Hannah Neri 423996
Hans Egger 239747
Hans Johannes Mauritius Speijers 245222
Hans Lui 457804
Hans Oliver Alwar 429637
Hansjoerg Knieling 457227
Hanwedige Muditha Peiris 333955
Hany Roshdy Salib 295240
Hany Samy Abdel-sayed 1264461
Hanzhang Liu 1265680
Hao Derek Ding 1001017
Hao Min 1004794
Hao Nguyen 1264476
Hao WU 1251376
Hao XU 1271907
Hao Zeng 1240020
Haralambos (harry) Flaskas 1002830
Harald Berents 239707
Harald Thomas Baumeister 242795
Harald Walter Pieknik 250642
Haran Sivagnanaraatnam 1252425
Harapan Tan 1259911
Hardeep Kaur 438184
Hardik Sheth 1256531
Hardikkumar Vasantbhai Patel 1273382
Harean Hithesh Thavarajah 1259154
Haren Weerasiri 1272637
Hari Maragos 286086
Hari Singh Randhawa 1250578
Hariharan Ramachandran 409422
Harindra Kodikara 1001829
Haris Peter Argeetes 245799
Harish Bhatia 330201
Harish Bisam 1245300
Harish Gala 1258239
Harish Poojary 1248733
Harith Eranga Balasuriya 1252008
Harith Hasan 1299070
Hariwansh Chawla 421647
Harjit Matthew Singh Malhi 1003246
Harley Forgo 1270388
Harley Jorge Gonzalez 1275614
Harley Joseph Mcdermott 1296809
Harley Matthew Turner 1250119
Harley Mckinnirey 1272662
Harley West 421693
Harman Singh Dhillon 1289075
Harminder Singh Chemay 1250441
Harmit Singh 1002732
Harmit Singh Chopra 1260910
Harold Andrew Tsiamis 1247363
Harold Bernard Braakhuis 284464
Harold Dakin 413910
Harold James Handley 1242744
Harold James Veitch 248532
Harold John Garden 245941
Harold Leon Milner 268127
Harold Lourie 1248430
Harold Roderick Chase 247473
Harold Spartels 456110
Harold Stephen Wai 1240089
Harold Thomas Dawe 439328
Haroldas Ambrutis 1300244
Haroon Mohammed Umarji 1000277
Harpal Singh Makkar 1244031
Harpinder Singh Chipra 1260472
Harpreet Singh Johal 441333
Harpreet Singh Sidhu 1008292
Harriet Gibb 1003060
Harris Hadjiharalambous 463066
Harris Hagias 1004138
Harris Shortland 1250576
Harrison Alexander Trippett 1305132
Harrison Bryant 1267733
Harrison Collingwood Davis 1311384
Harrison Crooks 1294219
Harrison David Boyd 1306691
Harrison Edward Baker 1280108
Harrison James Nowland 1312575
Harrison John Walker 1005881
Harrison John Watt 1252478
Harrison Massey 1265104
Harrison Miles 1289316
Harrison Moore 1273358
Harrison Murray 1006896
Harrison Russell Stower 1253867
Harrison William Jonty Stephens 1310459
Harrison William Sax 1260329
Harro Wennrich 304242
Harry Atamian 342655
Harry Buckeridge 1000762
Harry Chesher Whiting 1002369
Harry Chin 1239134
Harry Christopher Monie 1273147
Harry David Tynan 1258984
Harry Edward Buckeridge 1257064
Harry Goldberg 1240622
Harry Jason King 1310097
Harry John Rumble 1258782
Harry Kyriakopoulos 275985
Harry Mantzouratos 250024
Harry Matsoukas 321261
Harry Mavrolefterou 302665
Harry Michael Lee 447185
Harry Moustakas 250907
Harry NG 245786
Harry Oon Cheng Yeoh 1007941
Harry Paul Wszola 1234602
Harry Randle 1234666
Harry Soward 1307281
Harry Sydney John Allen 1266804
Harry Tsoutsikos 1249369
Harsh Makadia 1255940
Harshad Barge 1253842
Harun Berin 1269602
Harvey John Bate 1004456
Harvey Kaplan 1005171
Harvey Millington 242936
Hasan Basri Hazra 1000641
Haseeb Popal 1240560
Hasitha Suran Perera 1233348
Hasmukh Govind Ghedia 284951
Hassan Izzet 1264485
Hassan Moogoey 1001711
Hatem Matar 1006226
Hau Ngoc Lam 1000967
Hawed Nabi 463010
Hayden Allen 242813
Hayden Andrew Pomery 1310702
Hayden Charles Boglary 1297665
Hayden Curties Windsor 1003085
Hayden Daniel Smith 1271116
Hayden Daniel Voice 468418
Hayden Elizabeth Jones 1272453
Hayden Elliott Shaw 1268933
Hayden George Pike 1251427
Hayden Health Booth 1269750
Hayden Imlach 251698
Hayden James Griffiths 301208
Hayden James Kerdel 296589
Hayden James Ross 322435
Hayden James White 1001437
Hayden John Boswell 1003400
Hayden John Carswell 1000419
Hayden Keith Lewis 458811
Hayden Loxton 412057
Hayden Mark Wilson 1297666
Hayden Michael Hill 1001507
Hayden Ronald Witts 1262095
Hayden Schneider 1001922
Hayden Smith 1267706
Hayden Timothy Willis 260173
Hayden Torney 1001080
Hayden Trevor Mortimore 1003738
Hayden Victor Welsh 1311491
Hayden William Wyatt 1262865
Hayden Wong 1304205
Haydn Baulch 345068
Haydn Donald Growden 1265958
Haydn Froggatt 335940
Haydn Gregory Ryan 1239135
Haydn Martin 1236981
Haydn Schroder 1007503
Haydn William Gannon 429973
Haydon Skudder 242222
Hayirli Yilmaz 290127
Hayley Alana Dodd 1294651
Hayley Ann Morris 1307783
Hayley Annah Stratton 1280556
Hayley Aroha Maxwell 408706
Hayley Atwell 1271645
Hayley Clare Pearse 1254273
Hayley Coburn 1007510
Hayley Currie 1308306
Hayley Davies 469579
Hayley Donna Renson 1271828
Hayley Dyson 1004137
Hayley Groves 1267986
Hayley Jade Floyd 402201
Hayley Jane Cook 1309081
Hayley Jane Marsh 246048
Hayley Jane Matcham 1259613
Hayley Kate Cade 1004213
Hayley Kristen Della-sale 259234
Hayley Louise Pilkington 1252809
Hayley Louise Skinner 1261315
Hayley Louise Walker 1001241
Hayley Mia Hart 1000106
Hayley Powell 1000480
Hayley Tronson 1271551
Hayley-jayne Thomson 1002747
Hazel Monica Curtis 1272686
Hazem Elkheir 466304
Hean Tong Francis Tan 1001790
Hean-sing Koay 302791
Heang Lay 1248159
Heath Alexander Hebenton 316838
Heath Bernard Mccartney 1245402
Heath Brodie Hughes 408089
Heath David Whyte 246207
Heath Francis Shonhan 1273343
Heath John Durrant Ryan 1263867
Heath Julius Ueckermann 1000971
Heath Laurence Moss 278605
Heath Marc Hill 259235
Heath Mclaren 1005207
Heath Simon Banfield 470042
Heath Victor Davies 1255022
Heath Visser 239856
Heather Algar 248268
Heather Anne Woods 337186
Heather Blight 235782
Heather Cassells 355761
Heather Christine Bavelock 342726
Heather Denise Croy 1262018
Heather Dhuna 433945
Heather Elizabeth Mcinnes 1252851
Heather Frances Page 1004224
Heather Isabel Wilson 268180
Heather Jane Brosnan 241850
Heather Jean Zampatti 1002401
Heather Joy Boughton 1237739
Heather Joy Jensen 244940
Heather Joyce Weir 1270502
Heather Keppel Warby-cooper 1001464
Heather Lanesbury 438935
Heather Lee Price 429706
Heather Leung 1001645
Heather Locker 1244886
Heather Margaret Mccarthy 266365
Heather Mary Bleazby 1004057
Heather Mary Nay 409184
Heather Naomi Lee Kealley 300797
Heather Patricia Logue 323893
Heather Saunders 1255589
Hebatalla Sohail Saad Moustafa Salama 1272160
Heddwyn Brahma 1270830
Heena Malik 1263588
Heena Sharma 1235584
Heenal Champaneri 449225
Hege Nolan 1006056
Hei Man Ngai 389342
Hei YU Hayley Wong 1310455
Heidi Anne King 1292080
Heidi Cramer 432041
Heidi Elizabeth Kenney 1244082
Heidi Findley 1006784
Heidi Hedger 310391
Heidi Horan 1279447
Heidi Hose 241915
Heidi Kate Davies 296980
Heidi Kenney 311603
Heidi Louise Pearce 1261595
Heidi Narelle Schwegler 319157
Heidi Raschle 1257163
Heidi Sze Man Exley 1272090
Heidi Therese Phillips 1008697
Heike Flagel 1260034
Heino Eric Ling 1000121
Heino Ling 239787
Heinrich Fritz Jacobs 1241405
Heinrich Zerwick 1003256
Heinz Gunnar Patrick Hillenbrand 458784
Helen Acworth 1271985
Helen Anita Angwin 264935
Helen Ann Rogers 1245916
Helen Annette Caruso 1249426
Helen Baker 336378
Helen Bathurst 1280705
Helen Brash 438934
Helen Callaghan 1248790
Helen Carinus 461431
Helen Cheng 247400
Helen Claire Wilson 286148
Helen Cooper 1253415
Helen Dundon 1001721
Helen Elimelakh 300977
Helen Elliot 263928
Helen Hadjisavva 1248169
Helen Hao Ying Song 1253829
Helen Harrison 1002567
Helen Hionis 462660
Helen Hutley 1249527
Helen Jane Breier 324415
Helen Janine Durnford 283691
Helen Joyce 311947
Helen Karlovasitis 1270382
Helen Kate Mcphee 1247992
Helen Kaye Christensen 412292
Helen Lorraine Tasker 312922
Helen Louise Arthur 335658
Helen Louise Blackford 1267122
Helen MY Duyen Chau Nguyen 1259477
Helen Mae Mcaullay 1248996
Helen Maree Whelan 1255572
Helen Margaret Lloyd 427733
Helen Mary Bourke 1006387
Helen Mary Cameron 1241536
Helen Mary Goldfinch 1267387
Helen Mary Huthnance 1243810
Helen Mary Savage 1238006
Helen Mary Woolley 441202
Helen Mcmillan 1302628
Helen Miller 338892
Helen Mitropoulos 1265022
Helen Mooney Hermans 329032
Helen Mundy 1272321
Helen Nicole Dorling 1242752
Helen ON 1271026
Helen Patricia Cracknell 1005621
Helen Patricia Janetzki 242550
Helen Patricia Vick 1247592
Helen Postle 247609
Helen Roelofsen 1250806
Helen Ross 1003932
Helen Russo 316520
Helen SO 1001458
Helen Sackett 336683
Helen Sims 260253
Helen Sjogren 237761
Helen Smith 1271562
Helen Spencer 1005288
Helen Stevenson 1239397
Helen Symes 1249715
Helen Teng 1237880
Helen Teng (nee Nguyen) 1003984
Helen Trajcevski 1003993
Helen Truong 1006469
Helen Turner 1255393
Helen Victoria Betts 1004729
Helen Virginia Gereis 278266
Helen Williams 1003166
Helen Withers 1002665
Helen Wratten 249196
Helen Yau 432483
Helen Yiannikas 1241106
Helena Catherine Nilon 248579
Helena Chow 233316
Helena Oldfield 1235663
Helena Tamara Blum 235127
Helene Ann Cassidy 1272807
Helene Muller 471991
Helene Yos 1296968
Helga Baxter 233135
Helio Brindeiro DE Souza 1310800
Helmut Sergj Bold 338761
Heloisa DA Silva Gomes Dos Santos 1260720
Hemanshu Juneja 1244033
Hemant Tidke 457044
Hemanth Anand Dodamane 1282703
Hena Power 1005242
Hendrik Anthony Arendsen 326044
Hendrik Johannes Joubert 1242047
Heng Hak 1247273
Heng Veng 1299753
Heng WU 1264744
Heng Zhao 1270259
Henk Brand 415386
Hennah Schmidt Maco Bolaitamana 1248901
Hennietta Harmse 292355
Henri Walter Aram 1004378
Henrietta Church 1272025
Henriette Falkenberg 1240154
Henriette Kha 1002743
Henriette Scheffer 1250371
Henrik Strodl 1007543
Henrik Wetche 1286134
Henrique Leong 440601
Henry Alejandro Romero Aldana 1009357
Henry Alexander Harding 1248874
Henry Alfred During 250458
Henry Alistair Michael 1247137
Henry Andrew Pilat 240647
Henry Benjamin Wilshire 239517
Henry Bourne 1235626
Henry Burke 238823
Henry Campbell Phelps Dick 1308046
Henry Carlton Vaughan 1272159
Henry Chandos Mortlock 1268349
Henry Chandrajaya 1238126
Henry Charles Alexander Robinson Taplin 1252917
Henry Charles Roy Bourne 1006267
Henry David Maling 279737
Henry Fung 1243616
Henry Gharakhanian 1245247
Henry HO 1305990
Henry Hall 1269789
Henry Heng LI DO 324018
Henry Joseph Beaumaris 275839
Henry Michael Cabban 1314219
Henry NG 246399
Henry Paraan 1003476
Henry Paul Duregon 1272008
Henry Robert Mcghee 1008114
Henry Sean Mcquinn 325548
Henry Shiu Bang AU 1257555
Henry Taikulswat 459463
Henry Tam 1005297
Henry Tristan Ridler-lee 1263801
Henry VO 1004608
Henry Victor Perlen 1245352
Henry Wright 1004735
Henry Xin Zhao 1244095
Herbert Dugdale 287881
Herbert Josef Weber 249851
Herbert Tomaschett 312473
Hercules Kantarelis 279278
Hercules Koustas 1266525
Hercules Philippus Bronn 1005118
Herminia Bensi Durotan 1261500
Hesham El-tarifi 1265340
Hettige Johanne Claude Randika Perera 1250930
Hewad Safi 1269369
Heydon Derek Miller 1250268
Hibah Jamal 1300892
Hien HA Thu Hoang 1247516
Hieu Tran 1247589
Hikmet Bulent Cetiner 405788
Hila Skorokhodov 1293609
Hilah Ahmadzai 1003658
Hilary Colville Patrick Wijeratne 1252708
Hilary Elizabeth Troy 1000727
Hilary George 1007559
Hilary Guthrie 301310
Hilary Jane Anthony-benson 403525
Hilary Linda Acheson 472304
Hilary Nissenbaum 449597
Hilko Siegers 1000980
Hilton Emmanuel Pohl 1000557
Hilton Scott Bennett 253894
Hilton Woolf 250062
Himanshu Chadha 1280541
Hippocrates Kalaitzoglou 414724
Hisako Toguchi 1001972
Hishan Ahamed Naufal 449042
Hishey Choden Denzongpa 472591
Hjalmar Ronngard 1236785
Hnin Min 1239925
Hoa Tran 436885
Hoa Vinh TA 455322
Hoai Ninh 1263022
Hoai Vinh Lam 1238476
Hoang Long VU 1270015
Hoang Thien Nhat Nguyen 1008457
Hoanganh VO 1260584
Hoani Wharerangi Mcclure 1241570
Hock Jeen Liaw 1237656
Hoffrey Soo 1002527
Hojin (peter) Shin 1254260
Hok Siew Lee 1273349
Holley Anne Kennedy 1247440
Holley Pia Lucey 417505
Hollie Ann Jones 1292992
Hollie Iannazzone 1259858
Hollie Nicole Owen 1246033
Hollis Tat Sang HO 274664
Holly Ann Varcoe 1234763
Holly Challoner 1261940
Holly Jade Mogridge 1271515
Holly LI 233275
Holly Louise Bailey 1250209
Holly Perry 1276321
Holly Renee Kelly 1002634
Holly Rohrlach 1288625
Holly Rose Carter 1308349
Holly Valerie Meegan 400885
Holly-ann Haylen 466751
Hong Khim NG 1264935
Hong Kin Timothy Leung 1270722
Hong Lim Lee 1238230
Hong Thanh LE 1001363
Hong Thi Nguyen 1255598
Hong Wei 1261638
Hong Zhang 1270085
Hongbin Yang 1260381
Hongyi (henry) HE 1256608
Hongyu LI 1002545
Hoon Park 1264772
Hooria Goodarzi 471081
Hope Anna Elizabeth Evans 1008384
Hope Rawnsley 1285170
Hope Smith 345477
Hosam Choucair 1260449
Hosanna Smith 295338
Hosea Ben David Claxton 1254420
Hosna Jamal 442786
Hossein Arjomandfard 1240262
Hovig Henry Evanian 1000770
Howard Anthony Tew 263334
Howard Carr 422838
Howard Cheong 1254266
Howard David Cole 299223
Howard David Elton 1004730
Howard Denis Harvey Norman 1244752
Howard Francis Jacob 231059
Howard Jerome Querido 288270
Howard John Kemp 1002221
Howard Leslie Pelquest-hunt 232290
Howard Lloyd Peter Rodman 1235240
Howard Roland Hughes 249277
Howard Thomas Pitts 1001908
Hrishi Vasudev Badethalav 1008633
Hrisimir Borisov 1245356
Hristijan Karevski 1272188
Hsin-yi Kim 1272392
Hsing-lung Paul HO 1271950
Hsu Chiang 1002646
Hua SU 1003327
Huan Shin Toh 308990
Huan YU 1292344
Huanmu Chen 1266053
Huanyu Meng 1253029
Huaping Dou 1264460
Hudson Jonathan Greening 1269746
Hudson Kaddatz 1264807
Hugh Alexander Wright 1261925
Hugh Burton Taylor 1270164
Hugh Cameron 1002145
Hugh Christopherson 455330
Hugh D Richardson 1243813
Hugh Edward Todhunter 427514
Hugh Gengoult-smith 1000319
Hugh Gibbons 1006803
Hugh Goodfellow 1268674
Hugh Gordon Kilpatrick 264946
Hugh Hagen 1006019
Hugh Hodges 1002210
Hugh James Campbell 1266743
Hugh James Dickson 235833
Hugh James Sutterby 328558
Hugh Jerome Heffernan 1002576
Hugh Keenan 312875
Hugh Kent Elliot 253754
Hugh Lethbridge Robinson 250670
Hugh Lovibond 1007872
Hugh Maxwell Taylor 318520
Hugh Mckensey 328146
Hugh Michael Edwardes 1254566
Hugh Michael Ianchello 1234546
Hugh Nowaki Mcqueen-tokita 413828
Hugh Oswald Zimmerman 1249060
Hugh Reid Anderson 303568
Hugh Richard Laidley Dowling 1001483
Hugh Robertson 464552
Hugh Roe O'donnell 1007292
Hugh Roxburgh 1000430
Hugh Stafford Robertson 342586
Hugh Strahorn Martel 321326
Hugh Stuart Mcinnes 1259643
Hugh Urquhart 441485
Hugh Walsh 1253499
Hugh Westmacott 1272178
Hugh William Macnally 1008708
Hugh William Peck 1240307
Hughie Mark Kent 390743
Hugo Alexander Ellwood 1266916
Hugo Avila 1245378
Hugo Brettingham-moore 1005471
Hugo Edgardo Jovel 1002171
Hugo James Dein 1001153
Hugo Jonathan Berkeley Sampson 329816
Hugo Kang 1271325
Hugo Mcchesney 1267268
Hugo Robert Graves 1005819
Hui King Lau 1003136
Hui Lin Franklin 1235673
Hui Wang 469372
Hui Wun Yong 462894
Hui XU 1264611
Hui YU LI 233263
Huimin LI 1270476
Huixian LI 1242570
Huixin Zhu 1272418
Huiyi (eric) Huang 1008660
Huizhen HE 1002860
Hung Phi Nguyen 1257045
Hung Tan Bui 248737
Hung Tran 467767
Hung Tuan Chu 327256
Hung Van Nguyen 420776
Hung-hsiu Liu 1270820
Hunter Omaye 1004303
Huseyin (david) Yaman 1267620
Huseyin Djemal 1001019
Hussain Mufti 301185
Hussein Saraya 243473
Hussein Tanana 1007781
Hussien Ayoubi 1262063
Huw Smith 1271817
Huw Thomas Davies 1006001
Huy Dinh Pham 1004292
Huy Huy Luu 1001329
Huy Tran 1256479
Huy Truong VO 1004004
Huyam Idris Osman Hamid 1300793
Huyen HO 1312969
Huynh Nhu Ngoc Mai 1256441
Hwee Pheng Siah 229691
Hyeon Jeong Yoo 311174
Hyun-ju Johnson 1007095