Financial Advisers Australia (FAA)

The Financial Advisers Australia Register is a database of individuals and organizations that provide financial advice in Australia. The register contains information about the qualifications and experience of financial advisers, as well as any disciplinary actions or regulatory sanctions they may have received. It is maintained by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), the country's financial regulatory agency. Financial advisers in Australia are required to be registered with ASIC in order to provide advice to clients. The register is publicly available and can be searched online to help consumers find qualified and reputable financial advisers in their area.

Last update: Jan. 19, 2025

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QI Chen 1272457
QI Ding 274472
QI EN Jeannie Feng 1307587
QI Jin 463064
QI Lin David Liu 1271005
QI Ting YE 233223
QI Zhou 1260669
Qadeer Ahmad 461451
Qasim Syed 1004019
Qian Chen 1262148
Qian Wang 472805
Qian XU 302048
Qian Zhang 1003290
Qian Zhou 1306155
Qiang (joey) Xue 1272180
Qiang Zhu 1008408
Qihui Huang 1312362
Qing Han 1267588
Qing Yun Frearson 1270627
Qingyi Zeng 1239070
Qiong LI 1266317
Qizhi Lian 1240915
Quan LU 248178
Quan Phan 1256718
Quan TU Giang 1002419
Quang HY TA 1272975
Quang Huy Dang 1245056
Quang Tat 318902
Quang Tran 297228
Quang Trung LY 1273083
Que Hong Di-leo 268502
Quenie King 1259297
Quentin David Jones 1271859
Quentin Price 411530
Quentin Russell Matthew Moncrieff 434076
Quentin Timothy Carter 325367
Quenton James Desira 1006526
Quiddity Jade Falevaai 1266149
Quinhat XI 437813
Quinton James Meyers 1285010
Qun Zhen HE 1273140
Quoc Thuan Nguyen 1003880
Quoc Tuy Nguyen 1008208
Quoc VU Kien 1237819
Quoc Viet Johnny Tran 273778
Quyen MY LY 349126
Quyen Truong 1271168