Australian Credit Licences (ACL)

An Australian Credit Licences Register is a list or database of individuals and companies that have been granted a credit license by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). A credit license is required for any individual or company that provides credit or financial services related to credit, such as lending money or providing advice about credit products. The register may include information such as the name, contact information, and credit license number of the individuals and companies that have been granted a credit license. It may also include information about the type of credit services that the licensees are authorized to provide, as well as any conditions or restrictions that apply to their license. The register may be available to the public, allowing consumers to verify the credit license of a potential lender or financial adviser.

Last update: March 12, 2025

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Name Locality ID
A.c.n. 102 361 688 Pty Ltd Maroochydore 380255
Amm Journey Group Pty Ltd Maroochydore 544684
Atlas Invest Pty Ltd Maroochydore 388539
Brokerco Pty Ltd Maroochydore 509361
Cookiedea Pty Ltd Maroochydore 387276
Financial Advisers Australia Pty Ltd Maroochydore 388789
Fluroescent Finance Solutions Pty Ltd Maroochydore 390701
Formula 1 Finance Pty Ltd Maroochydore 385344
Fox Finance Group Pty Ltd Maroochydore 382952
Infocus Lending Advisory Pty Ltd Maroochydore 392704
Infocus Securities Australia Pty Ltd Maroochydore 236523
Loan Wize Pty Ltd Maroochydore 364632
Majestic Financial Group Pty Ltd Maroochydore 552617
Professional Debt Solutions Pty Ltd Maroochydore 395184
Queensland Loan Company Pty Ltd Maroochydore 513114
S.p.c. Finance Pty Ltd Maroochydore 389215
Sms Finance 2 Pty Ltd Maroochydore 518693
Statewide Novated Leasing Pty Ltd Maroochydore 387111
Ume Loans Pty Ltd Maroochydore 383502