Australian Credit Licences (ACL)

An Australian Credit Licences Register is a list or database of individuals and companies that have been granted a credit license by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). A credit license is required for any individual or company that provides credit or financial services related to credit, such as lending money or providing advice about credit products. The register may include information such as the name, contact information, and credit license number of the individuals and companies that have been granted a credit license. It may also include information about the type of credit services that the licensees are authorized to provide, as well as any conditions or restrictions that apply to their license. The register may be available to the public, allowing consumers to verify the credit license of a potential lender or financial adviser.

Last update: March 16, 2025

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Name Locality ID
Axiswealth Group Pty Ltd Bella Vista 484302
Casheroo Investments Pty Ltd Bella Vista 558354
Chia, Eric Victor Bella Vista 391797
Countax Finance Pty Ltd Bella Vista 388401
Dhir, Uday Karan Bella Vista 528017
Fahmy, Ekram Bella Vista 383990
Fast First Mortgages Pty Ltd Bella Vista 557227
Finance Services OF Australia Pty Ltd Bella Vista 439238
Hills Mortgage Brokers Pty Ltd Bella Vista 421376
Infinity Group Finance Pty Ltd Bella Vista 505926
Jad Financial Management Pty Ltd Bella Vista 389928
Jag Financial Brokers Pty Ltd Bella Vista 561267
Knightsbridge Financial Services Pty Ltd Bella Vista 389813
Little Lamb Financial Services Pty Ltd Bella Vista 560653
Mehta, Gaurav Bella Vista 391521
Mortgagestars Pty Ltd Bella Vista 524552
Mvs Pty Limited Bella Vista 403545
Nandini Capital Pty Ltd Bella Vista 562150
Paramount Mortgage Services Pty Ltd Bella Vista 392788
Pfs Financial Services Pty Ltd Bella Vista 444587
Ramos Garcia And Associates Pty Ltd Bella Vista 564220
Rdn Mortgages Pty Ltd Bella Vista 385778
Sapt Pty Ltd Bella Vista 394309
Trading Plus Pty Ltd Bella Vista 390609
Wheels Finance Pty Ltd Bella Vista 392343
Winance Mortgage Solutions Pty Ltd Bella Vista 504145
Zabat Pty Ltd Bella Vista 391500