Banned and Disqualified | ASIC

The Banned and Disqualified Persons Dataset on is taken from ASIC's Banned and Disqualified Registers. This dataset is a snapshot of the register data at a specific point in time. It provides information about individuals who have been:

  • Disqualified from being involved in the management of a corporation
  • Disqualified from auditing Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs)
  • Banned from practicing in the Australian Financial Services (AFS) or credit industry

This information pertains to individuals who have been banned from the AFS or credit industry, as well as those who have been prohibited from the credit industry by a state or territory.

The information in this search is sourced from several registers, including the disqualified persons register, the credit banned/disqualified persons register, and the AFS banned/disqualified persons register. There may be instances of similar names with slight variations in details such as address and place of birth. It is important to note that the data is recorded as it was reported to ASIC, and we cannot confirm if these similar records are the same person.

Last update: March 23, 2025

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Name Locality
LA Rosa, Steven Antonio Kallaroo
LE Lievre, Neil Stanley Wheelers Hill
Lahey, Bruce Benowa
Lahey, Richard Bruce Benowa
Lai, Hilda Lorraine Lysterfield
Laing, Jacqueline Research
Laing, Neil Upwey
Laing, Robert James Research
Lake, Kristy Ann Hawthorn
Lakos, Marc Holsworthy
Lam, Michael Hok Chung Melbourne
Lam, Trevor Christian Bellevue Hill
Lambe, Richard Philip Applecross
Lambert, John Gibbs Colyton
Laming, Kenneth Fulton Beaumont
Lammers, Dennis George Narre Warren
Lamprell, David John Mulgrave
Landau, Mark Alexander Balmain
Lane, John Victor Toorak
Langman, Rory Peter Manly
Lanigan, Michael Anthony Potts Point
Lapsley, Graeme Laurance East Fremantle
Lapsley, Rosalyn Hillary Blakehurst
Lapthorne, Francis Percival Knoxfield
Larbalestier, Elizabeth Anne Belmont
Larbalestier, John William Belmont
Laski, Rodney Montague Melbourne
Lau, Joseph Forrestfield
Lau, Ronny Cuong Bass Hill
Laurent, Charles Leonard West Beach
Lavopa, Gregory Beverly Hills
Lawless, Anthony Maribyrnong
Layton, Gisella Bridgette Narre Warren South
Layton, John Laurence Narre Warren South
Lazzarich, Matteo Anthony Hamilton Hill
Leake, Philip Heathridge
Leamey, George Leonard Mooroolbark
Lee, Anthony Kuam-hsien Melbourne
Lee, Hee Seng Castle Hill
Lee, James Maidstone
Lee, Jan Blackburn South
Lee, Jane Blackburn South
Lee, Lisa Killara
Lee, Ming ST Johns Park
Leech, Andrew Rodney Five Dock
Leech, Matthew David Maiden Gully
Lees, Donald Raymond Taren Point
Lees, Helen Mary Taren Point
Legat, Robert Andrew Corwin
Leggett, Gregory Clyde Tingalpa
Leggett, Peter Brookfield
Lehman, Kevin John Semaphore Park
Lehman, Klinton Jay West Lakes
Leis, Anne Catherine Tamworth
Leis, Peter Barry Tamworth
Leishman, Gordon Forest Lake
Leitch, Dudley Ray Lamington
Leitch, John Andrew Patterson Lakes
Lelliott, Darren Charles Yeronga
Lemon, Keith Scone
Lemphers, Brian Ernest Boronia
Lennon, Catherine Michele Woollahra
Leo, MA
Leoni, Antonio Concord
Leppala, Hugo Elmeri Menai
Letizia, Margaret Joyce Hamilton
Lettieri, Maria ST Albans
Lettieri, Pasquale ST Albans
Levi, Collin Pagewood
Levi, Roslyn Victoria Pagewood
Lew, Reuben Albert Morwell
Lew, Richard Jacob Morwell
Lewinski, Janice Lee Seacombe Heights
Lewis, Allen Herbert Biggera Waters
Lewis, David Myles Maitland
Lewis, Robert John Lloyd Annerley
Lewis, Sean Philip One Mile
Lewski, William Lionel Brighton
Li, Jan Blackburn South
Li, Jane Blackburn South
Li, Shun Yuen Ken Roseville Chase
Li, Yan Wolli Creek
Liddicoat, David Geoffrey Subiaco
Liesegang, Kerri Maroochydore
Lightfoot, Richard Milne Fitzroy North
Lilburn, Michael Browning Mount Eliza
Lim, Andy Kay Hooi Rivervale
Lim, Bee Chin Yagoona
Lim, Chye Theam Balwyn North
Lim, Kay Hooi Rivervale
Lim, Siv
Lim, Theam Chye Balwyn North
Limerick, Michael Kenmore
Lin, Wei Jiang Breakfast Point
Lindberg, Andrew Alexander Sunbury
Lines, Phillip John Mclaren Flat
Ling, Kao-tsai Pei North Manly
Linton, Jeffrey William Essendon
Lister, Robert Thomas Wahgunyah
Litchfield, Gerrard Anthony Katherine
Littlemore, Colin Pagewood
Liu, Cathy LI Oakleigh East
Liu, Eugene Sydney
Liu, Guodong
Liu, Kingsley Chung Chuan Five Dock
Livesey, Iwona Five Dock
Livesey, Michael Vivian Five Dock
Llewellyn, Garth North Booval
Llewellyn, Peter Elfyd
Lloyd, Dianne Weston
Lloyd, John Penshurst
Lloyd-cocks, Martin Darling Point
Lloyd-cocks, Martin Andersen Elizabeth Bay
Locksley, Rebecca Merewether
Lofts, Bradley John Northgate
Logan, Daniel Yerong Creek
Logan, Scott Andrew Torquay
Logie, Hugh Kingsbury
Loiterton, John Barrie Wollongong
Lomas, Doug Paradise Point
Lomas, Douglas John
Lombardo, Eduardo Casula
Lombardo, Vincenzo Moorebank
Long, Robert William Beecroft
Losurdo, Grace Chester Hill
Losurdo, Lucio Concord
Lotter, Ferdinand John Ascot
Louey, Kevin Doncaster
Loughnan, Robert Wayne ST Albans
Lowe, Laurence Byron North Avoca
Lowe, Michael Graham Liverpool
Lowth, Jason The Vines
Loy, Travers David Heathmont
Lucas, Christopher Mark Cobram
Lucas, Marie Bernadette Cobram
Luff, Christopher Sans Souci
Luff, Christopher Edward Sans Souci
Luplau, Des Sorrento
Luplau, Desmond Sorrento
Luplau, Desmond Winton Sorrento
Luthra, Subeer Keysborough
Luvara, Dominic Sydney
Luvera, Domenico Pacific Pines
Lyall, Matthew Anthony Shailer Park
Lye, Byron Michael Murrumba Downs
Lynch, Craig Eric Glenhaven
Lynch, Eamon John Highfields
Lynch, Matthew Craig Clyde
Lyness, Anthony John Palmerston