Banned and Disqualified | ASIC

The Banned and Disqualified Persons Dataset on is taken from ASIC's Banned and Disqualified Registers. This dataset is a snapshot of the register data at a specific point in time. It provides information about individuals who have been:

  • Disqualified from being involved in the management of a corporation
  • Disqualified from auditing Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs)
  • Banned from practicing in the Australian Financial Services (AFS) or credit industry

This information pertains to individuals who have been banned from the AFS or credit industry, as well as those who have been prohibited from the credit industry by a state or territory.

The information in this search is sourced from several registers, including the disqualified persons register, the credit banned/disqualified persons register, and the AFS banned/disqualified persons register. There may be instances of similar names with slight variations in details such as address and place of birth. It is important to note that the data is recorded as it was reported to ASIC, and we cannot confirm if these similar records are the same person.

Last update: March 23, 2025

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Name Locality
Faanoi, Aloeseiafi Peakhurst
Fagin, Stephen Terrence Sydney
Fair, Kelvin William Roy Benowa
Fairlam, Susan Ann Brighton
Fairweather, Margaret Elizabeth Beaumaris
Fairweather, Warren Graham Beaumaris
Fak, Vjekoslav Sandhurst
Fancourt, Cameron Zetland
Fanning, Adrian John Highton
Farber, Brian ST Ives
Farber, Brian Aubrey ST Ives
Fares, Bassem Guildford
Farias, Jennifer Elderslie
Farias, Jennifer Mary Elderslie
Farley, Gerard Andrew John Bondi Beach
Farmer, Shane Ronald Brighton
Farnham, Leslie George Minchinbury
Farrelly, Gene Gympie
Farrelly, Gene Robert Gympie
Farrelly, Jaime Holder
Farrelly, Raymond John Mulgrave
Farrely, Jaime Charles Wanniassa
Fatrouni, Abdoul Rahim Broadmeadows
Fawcett, Mark Douglas Five Dock
Fazzari, Carmela Mimma Stirling
Fazzari, Guiseppe Antonio Stirling
Feduniw, Eman Greenbank
Feduniw, Eman Boshra Greenbank
Feduniw, Emma Greenbank
Fegen, Frederick Douglas Abbotsford
Fegen, Kathleen Patricia Abbotsford
Fehon, Brian John Lilli Pilli
Fehon, Lynette Janace Lilli Pilli
Felden, Hans Robert John Pymble
Fellowes, Lewis Darch
Fellowes, Lewis Anthony Darch
Fellowes, Lewis Anthony Wright Darch
Fenwick, Kevin William Miranda
Ferella, Angelo
Ferguson, David Francis Redfern
Ferguson, Glennys Lorna Redfern
Ferguson, Rebecca Marie
Ferraro, Domenico Belfield
Ferrone, Guiseppe Dianella
Festini, Vernon Valentine Coldstream
Fiasco, Salvatore Campbellfield
Field, Dominique Lilyfield
Field, William Temora
Figueras, Antonio Hills
Fincham, Patrick John Somers
Findlay, Maxwell Dingley Village
Findlay, Peter Michael Moorabbin
Findlay, Raymond George Rowville
Fineff, Gavid Artarmon
Fineff, Gavin Artarmon
Finerty, Gregory William Benowa
Finlan, Michael Burns Marangaroo
Finlay, Barry Alexander Glen Iris
Finn, Herbert Hector Metford
Finn, Margaret Taylor Metford
Finnie, Judith Anne Eglinton
Finnie, Sydney Thomas Eglinton
Finnigan, Simon Sydney
Fiorenza, Vincent Frank Enfield
Firth, Joanne Ruth North Perth
Fischer, Justin Lee Sydney
Fisher, Gregory Joseph Darlinghurst
Fisicaro, Marianne Tullamarine
Fisicaro, Salvatore Tullamarine
Fistrovic, Zoran Essendon
Fitzgerald, Geoffrey Warren Oakleigh
Fitzgerald, Kevin Michael Bellevue Hill
Fitzgerald, Shaun Daniel Teneriffe
Fitzpatrick, Desmond James Vermont South
Fitzroy-mendis, Daphne Redfern
Fitzwater, Anthony James Richlands DC
Flacco, Ettore Carlton
Flammea, Francesco Whittlesea
Flavall, Greg South Yarra
Flaws, Steve John Turramurra
Fleetwood, Steven Edward Glenelg North
Flegg, Graham Ronald Wedderburn
Fleisher, Peter Bondi Beach
Flelli, Stephen Silverwater
Flelli, Steven Broadbeach Waters
Fleming, Donald Brownlie West Lakes
Fletcher G, Benjamin Frederick Arry
Fletcher, Albert William Mordialloc
Fletcher, Benjamin Frederick Garry Clive Lindsay Clontarf
Fletcher, Neil Edward Sydney
Flowers, Nigel Manly
Flugge, Trevor James Busselton
Flynn, Bradley Francis Cooee Bay
Flynn, Danielo Adin Casey
Folks, Dennis James Bentleigh East
Folley, Mark Wonga Park
Folley, Roy Alexander Brighton
Fong, David Perth
Fong, David Michael Perth
Fontaine, Cymon Woodford
Fontaine, Cymon Adam Woodford
Foreman, Andrew James Balmoral
Forge, William Arthur
Formica, Anthonia Margaret Rose Toorak
Forrest, Steven Douglas Warners Bay
Forshaw, Brian Surfers Paradise
Forster, Andy Inverloch
Forster, Gregory Peter Ripley
Forsyth, Benjamin Paul Willoughby
Forsythe, Stuart John Hamilton
Fortune, Malcolm John Lilyfield
Fortune, Troy Pierce Toongabbie
Foster, Peter Clarence Surfers Paradise
Foster, Rick James Goodwood
Fowell, Ronald Edward Wahroonga
Fowler, Anthony John Main Ridge
Fowler, Christopher Michael Dromana
Fowler, Gregory Richmond
Fowler, Michael Gerard Mount Martha
Fox, Shaun Melbourne
Fox, Shaun Michael-anthony Melbourne
Fox, Timothy John Henry Hunters Hill
Francis, Robert Michael Chippendale
Francis, Rovert Norman Belmont
Franke, Craig Maurice Adelaide
Franke, Terence Malcolm Adelaide
Franke, Wendy Adelaide
Frankland, Brian Helensburgh
Frankland, Craig
Fraser, Justin Robert
Fraser, Peter Howard Moorabbin
Frazer, Gregory James Carlingford
Fredericks, Julie Dorothy Selby
Fredericks, Kevin John Selby
Freeman, Blair Stuart Dingley Village
Freeman, Leslie Norman Park
Freeman, Leslie Raymond Norman Park
Freeman, Philip Tasman Launceston
Freudenstein, Anthony Henry Narrabundah
Friedrichs, Detleff Herbert Crafers West
Friedrichs, Richard Church Point
Friend, William Ross Umina
Frizzell, Aleksandra Goonellabah
Froome, Craig William Valentine
Frost, Garry William Patterson Lakes
Frugtniet, Rudy Boronia Park
Fullerton-smith, Walter John Carrara
Funder, Stephen_anthony Stafford
Fung, Tina Bellevue Hill
Fungo, Crisostomo Sanchez Hills
Fuoco, Joshua David
Furnell, James Terence Bonogin