Financial Advisers Australia (FAA)

The Financial Advisers Australia Register is a database of individuals and organizations that provide financial advice in Australia. The register contains information about the qualifications and experience of financial advisers, as well as any disciplinary actions or regulatory sanctions they may have received. It is maintained by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), the country's financial regulatory agency. Financial advisers in Australia are required to be registered with ASIC in order to provide advice to clients. The register is publicly available and can be searched online to help consumers find qualified and reputable financial advisers in their area.

Last update: March 23, 2025

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O'neil Cole 1273390
O-cher Arrua 1238287
OR Giladi 329213
Oanh Bui 281181
Oanh VU Mandile 1244463
Oceane Keeleigh Jean Branson 1255363
Octavia Ruth Rose Sharma 1261657
Odelia Marina D'silva 235747
Odette Beswick 396653
Oguzhan Doren 1238157
Oki Widodo 1246205
Okiwa Burney 1244988
Oladokun Omibiyi 1239105
Ole Michael Madsen 1256365
Olena Usenko 1240121
Olesya Bukaryeva 277826
Olga Ermolova 1268067
Olga Ignjatic 1006961
Olga Katarzyna Gebarowska 1271558
Olga Malysheva 1306339
Olga Pakhomov 1264910
Oliver Agius 280889
Oliver Allan Wicks 1311122
Oliver Burke 322764
Oliver Cahill 1313339
Oliver Carr 1269787
Oliver Conick 1000071
Oliver Edward Warne 1254376
Oliver Gray 1305177
Oliver Hankin 1004540
Oliver Jacobs 1272946
Oliver James Lawton 1299184
Oliver James Watson 1286096
Oliver Jeffery Thornhill 1250105
Oliver John Carrington 413990
Oliver John Mayo 1269503
Oliver John Mullins Palmer 1236202
Oliver Ladd 1002568
Oliver Luca Geri 1259866
Oliver Messenger 1006232
Oliver Pereira 1266301
Oliver Roger 1248160
Oliver Temme 451717
Oliver Thomas Straker 1272098
Oliver Trusler 1271100
Oliver Willem Cash 1241556
Oliver William Martin 1269859
Oliver Zhang 287646
Olivera Ivcovici 1001704
Olivia Ann Jones 1296875
Olivia Cate Odgaard 1309117
Olivia Core 1273084
Olivia Frances Glare 1262290
Olivia Grant 1008036
Olivia Hodge 1255827
Olivia Leigh Frankcom 1289301
Olivia Long 1247678
Olivia Louise Hughes 367070
Olivia Maragna 228946
Olivia Megan Richards 466737
Olivia Sheree Wiles 298207
Olivia Sinuti Leota 1277895
Olivia Therese Raithatha 1270312
Olivia Treloar 1268772
Oloff Tertius Visser 1272447
Olubunmi Ajayi 309871
Olulopeye Peter Oyekanmi 1271091
Olusesii Oduja 467417
Oly Marharita Carlson 1004076
Omar Eduardo Cubilla 451705
Omarr Ashraf Hussain 1246149
Onias Simbarashe Chilimanzi 1005982
Onofrio Giuseppe Raffaele 1240300
Onur Ibrahim Kinali 298947
Onur Serbest 379996
Oona Yang 1245362
Opel Van Leerdam 1271721
Oren Bermeister 1238785
Orhan Azizoglu 305766
Orhan Kara 1249197
Orlane Hugh Ghi 1265533
Orngdar Mongjaay 1238773
Orrin Shaw 1292777
Oryana Alexander-reid 1251458
Oryana Burette 1299734
Osama Khaled Mohammad Bayir 1233353
Osama Saad 420099
Osama Yakoubian 330318
Oscar Chaves Neto 1307821
Oscar John Lloyd Howard 1003469
Oscar Vlademir Guardado 467599
Oshima Young 1262957
Osman Azimi 1004882
Osman Ozkara 1243879
Osobase Matthias Ehizua 472315
Oswald Bruce Mansfield 249949
Oswaldo Duque 439258
Otis John Georges 340282
Ourania Vlassis 1236221
Oussama (sam) Ryma 1003500
Ovee Bhuyan 1002715
Oveen Michael 466626
Owen Alexander O'neil 1311401
Owen Clare 1006410
Owen Clifford Walker 236374
Owen Cook 276966
Owen Cork 263924
Owen Dean Chin 1003006
Owen Donald Kerr 1002273
Owen Evans 410157
Owen Faulkner 1277949
Owen Francis Houston 1002149
Owen Garrett 1245419
Owen Griffiths 337006
Owen James Shannon 423487
Owen Jeffrey Hume 1004256
Owen Korn 1001994
Owen Kozminski 1000249
Owen Patrick Lester 274381
Owen Raszkiewicz 1280931
Owen Thomas 1003990
Owen Timothy Dyck 471316
Owen Waltham Douglas Weeks 1004755
Owen Wilfred Clark 268719
Oya Guney 1006490
Ozan Gumus 1234533
Ozie Fernandez 332707
Ozmen Serbetcioglu 424550